Chapter 84

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Y/N scrunched her nose in disgust as she brought her foot out from a puddle of 'who know what' while trailing after Will. They had been walking in the dark abyss for a good 15 minutes at this point and she was already more than happy to turn back and leave, but from the looks of determination that Will wore on his face, she figured it was a lost cause. Trailing her flashlight over the rock walls for anything suspicious, Y/N suddenly came face to face with a small, winged creature with a pinched face. It squaked as soon as she met its blurry gaze before it flew out toward the unsuspecting girl. She shrieked and fell back onto Will, dropping her flashlight instantly as she made room for the bat-like bird to escape.

"Y/N! Are you okay," Will exclaimed, dropping next to her on the floor as soon as he heard her yell of suprise.

She flushed in embarassment before she shot up and dusted off her clothes, gripping her flashlight tightly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tripped. Sorry," she grinned sheepishly.

Will sent her back a shy smile and continued to lead the both of them into the tunnel, while Penny wiggled her eyebrows at the girl who was cursing herself for being a paranoid goof. They contined their trek and the cave walls began to get tighter and tighter until it reached the point where all of them had to walk single file.

"Sure its a good idea to have the acting cocaptians here at the same time," Penny asked, easing the tension.

"This is exactly the kind of thing captians are supposed to do," Will answered, observing the fork in their path.

"I thought it was more like ordering people to do it for you," Y/N mumbled, getting an aggreable nudge from Penny.

"Yeah. I would just point over there and yell."

"Just relax, you two," Will said.

The squelching of the ground beneth them brought to Y/N's attention as she gagged from the smell. Penny voiced her similar thoughts. "Feels like we're walking in poo."

"It's just mud built up from the ground. It'll be fine."

"I thought that you'd be the one to know that water doesn't normally find it's way into confined spaces such as this," Y/N said while looking at Will from the corner of her eyes. "Right?" He was already staring at her.


They continued to walk deeper inside the cave, occasionally making sure their tether was still tied around their waists and exchanging a few words with Smith through the tunnels until they were finally out of earshot.

Eventually, a fork in their path led them to a wide room, much to their relief, that has the same muddy floor and grimy walls as the rest of the stronghold.

"Woah, look at those."

Y/N dragged her eyes across the ground, peering over Will's shoulder as he pointed out a trail footprints that led up to another metal door, similar to the one they entered in.

"Footprints...don't they look like they could be the robot's," Y/N asked, a tingly feeling riding up her spine in discomfort.

Will nodded, his gaze glued to the ground as he tried to find out where the footprints were leading. Meanwhile, Penny stood off the corner, right outside the wall to the other tunnel.

"Yeah, and this is my cue," she shuddered, backing away from the both of them. "I think we should just get out of the cave before-"


Both Will and Y/N jumped up in alarm at the sound of metal colliding with each other, and the looked up to see that the tunnel entrance they came through was now sealed shut, excluding Penny from further advance.

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