Chapter 11

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       Everyone sat around the table, eating their food while discussing the maps around the new planet.
      "Look, if we can get here, we can get back," Maureen said.
      They couldn't find anything about the planet, no constellations or nearby planets that any fish them recognized. Maureen did the math and she told everyone that's it would be a 600-year drive from where they were to Alpha Centauri. Trillions of light years away, that doesn't lie.
     "So, how do we get back?"
     "Honestly if the Resolute is intact and could find us, we might be stuck here."
    Everyone went silent, now paying more attention to their food.
     "Which is why I need everyone working on the problem."
     "Maureen," John tried.
    "We need to get creative and can not stop until we get the Jupiter out of the ice, and Judy you need to get-"
     "We need to breathe. With the storm outside, there's nothing we can do, anyway and I think we'd all think a lot clearer after some rest."
     "I am kind of tired," Will said.
      "Yeah, I think we all are."
     Maureen sighed and looked down, "Okay, I will wake everybody up after the storm."
      "Thanks mom."
     Everyone got up and headed their way, the robot following Y/N out and into their room. Space was even tighter with Doctor Smith with them. Y/N still couldn't find herself to trust her. It was just a feeling. Right before Y/N went into her room, she hesitated before pulling out a bug she had in her pocket. Her father had given it to her with a connecting screener. Y/N could listen to anything if she turned on the bug and hid it somewhere. She was just about to put it up in Doctor Smith's room before Carter interrupted her thoughts.
     "What's wrong?"
     Y/N looked at Carter and sat down next to him.
     "I don't trust Doctor Smith..."
      There was a loud crackling and the Jupiter shifted a bit.
      "Don't worry, it's just the ice shifting!"
      Y/N sighed and looked down.
      "Look, Doctor Smith is just like us. Not trusting her wouldn't make sense."
      Y/N nodded and headed to her spot in the room. Carter and Y/N insisted that Doctor Smith could take the extra bunk. Y/N didn't trust her but she still had manners.
      "I'm just gonna sleep," Y/N said. She pulled her blanket up above her and closed her eyes, trying to actually get some sleep. Carter turned off the light and did the same on his side of the room.

-Time Skip-
     After about two hours, Y/N still wasn't asleep. She tossed and turned but couldn't get to it. She put her face in the pillow she had and tried to go to sleep again, still not working. She sat up and her face met with someone. She yelped and rubbed her forehead. Y/N opened her eyes and looked around but didn't see anyone. The robot was doing a nightly shift between Will and Y/N but it was with Will at the moment.
      Y/N stood up and scanned the first room. Carter was sleeping on his side peacefully. Y/N walked up to him and waved her hand in front of his face, then she started snapping. He didn't flinch which meant it probably wasn't him.
      There was a thud behind her and Y/N snapped in the direction. Doctor Smith was standing there with her hands on the box.
     "What are you doing here?"
     "I'm not here, you're dreaming."
     "No, I am not dreaming, were you going through Carter's stuff?"
     Doctor Smith was silent, then she started walking towards Y/N. She started to grow and grow into the robot then the robot's eyes turned red and turned into the evil robot, the one with four arms. Y/N started to back away, then she tripped over her water bottle .
       "Robot, it's me? What's wrong?"
      The robot raised its hands and it started to glow, then it shot at Y/N, waking her up.
      "Oh, it was just a dream."
     Y/N was sweating and breathing heavily, she needed to take a walk. She got up and walked out of the room, to the center of the Jupiter. She sat down in a chair, putting her head in her hands.
      "Oh, uh hi Y/N."
      Y/N lifted her head and saw the Will was there, sitting next to her.
      "What are you doing up," he asked.
     "I had a nightmare. How about you?"
     "Do you want to talk about it," Y/N asked, tying to make him feel better.
     "Yes, I do. It was actually about the robot," Will said, pointing to him.
     "Me too."
     "This robot, he was the one who attacked the Resolute."
     Y/N's breath hitched and her heart stopped.
      Will nodded.
     "When we were looking for survivors, mom asked me where I found the ship. I didn't remember so she told me to ask the robot. I asked him and he took us there. Mom and dad investigated the inside of the ship while me and the robot were outside. I was teaching him how to play catch, then my ball went under a piece of the ship. It was too heavy for me to lift so the robot came and helped me."
     Will stopped.
     "The robot's lights, they turned red and the broken piece started to glow. It was so scary," Will whispered.
     "I could see what he saw that day, the screaming people who were trying to run. The robot just killed them. It shot them," Will continued.
     "I ran off and he followed me. I almost made him walk off a cliff. I was so scared but then he told me he truly didn't remember."
     Will was now crying and Y/N was horrified but sincere at the same time. She pulled him into a hug as Will cried.
     "It's okay. He didn't mean it," Y/N soothed.
     Will stopped crying and the two just sat there, still in each other's embrace.
     Will got up and wiped his face.
     "Thank you Y/N, you really helped."
     She smiled.
     "I'm always here for you. The robot is my friend too."
     Will smiled and gave Y/N another hug.
     They both looked up at the robot who was bending on one leg, holding their hands.
     Y/N laughed, Will doing the same.
     "You guys okay?"
     They looked at the doorway and saw Doctor Smith coming in.
"Yep," Will said, trying to ignore the topic.
"Bad dreams?"
Y/N nodded slowly, watching Smith. She sat down and leaned forward on the table.
"Don't tell anyone, but I still get them from time and to time."
Will got up and got two cups from a cupboard.
Doctor Smith looked at Y/N.
"And when I do, it helps to say what they were out loud."
"It's fine, he already told me about it and he's fine," Y/N said.
"What about you?"
Y/N replayed her nightmare in her head and Will stopped to look at Y/N.
"We talked about mine too," Y/N lied.
"And I think Will would want to say something about his own dreams," Smith said, looking at Will.
He looked at her and said, "it was nothing, really. I'm fine."
Heavy footsteps came though the door as the robot came in. When did he leave? Smith looked at the robot as it stopped in the doorway. Will looked down.
"I thought you said it wasn't dangerous," Smith whispered.
"It's not," Y/N defended.
Will nodded.
Smith continued to stare at Will, until he finally said he was going to go to bed.
Y/N watched him leave.
"Why is the robot still here," Smith asked
"Will isn't the only one who can communicate with him."
Y/N got up.
"I'm going to bed too."
She walked out, the robot following her out. Y/N looked through the glass and saw that Smith was still watching her. Y/N stopped and went back in.
"Please don't mention anything to Mr and Mrs Robinson."
"I'm good at keeping secrets," Smith nodded.
Y/N gave a half-fake smile and went to her room.
She pulled the blanket over her and looked at the robot.
"Thank you for being a good friend. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person with mixed feelings about her," Y/N said to the robot.
Maybe the robot thought the same thing about her. It would be nice knowing she wasn't alone.

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