Chapter 86

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"Well said," Y/N whispered, her gaze rested on Will's solemn expression.

He tore his eyes away from the astonishing civilization that stood before him, beaming back at the girl. He figured that Y/N of all people would appreciate what he'd said.

Suddenly, the robot started forward, the loud thumps of his steps echoing through the cave as he squeezed in between Y/N and Will to enter the other opening leading into the rocks.

Y/N stepped back, bumping into a concerned Penny as Will called after the robot. "Hey. Hey, where you going?"

"Help family," the robot answered, continuing to march forward.

Will and Y/N exchanged worried expressions, the lightness from their previous conversation diminishing to nothing but unease. Hurriedly, they followed the robot into the opening, silent as they watched the robot navigate its way through the labyrinth of tunnels.

At last, the robot stopped in an open room, its smooth interior marked with lines and engravings. Y/N's lips parted in intrigue as she traced her fingers along the wall, her attention shifting to the middle, where a large familiar black arch towered over them. 

The robot stood in the middle of the arch, its starry eyes twinkling as if it were foreseeing an ominous warning. 

"Why'd you bring us here," Will breathed, staring up at his metal companion.

"Danger, family," the robot boomed, increasing Y/N's rising frustration.

"You keep telling us that but we don't know what you mean," she pressed, the arm holding her flashlight lowering down to her side.

"Danger from what?"

The robot ignored Penny's inquisition, activating the map from the black arch. Y/N stiffened as the eerie glow of the star map brightened the dark room. She absentmindedly shifted closer to Will, the reflection of the illumination shining over her eyes.

The robot continued to navigate around the stars, zooming in and out, before he finally found what he was looking for and zoomed in to share it with the rest of them. He showed the very same rift they were stranded on.

"The Danger System," Will mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows. "We already know it's dangerous here."

Y/N, being puzzled herself nodded in agreement before she paused, watching as the robot continued to zoom in. "Will, he's not talking about us...that's another planet."

Everyone perked up at Y/N's words, before faltering in realization. The robot finally stopped zooming in, the final image of ferocious sandstorms being the only thing they saw, along with an odd imprint buried in the sand.

"Is that...the Jupiter 2?" Penny questioned, almost unable to believe it for herself. 

"Our parents," Will's voice cracked at the thought of them, a worried underline in his tone.

 "Is that who's in danger?" Y/N stared up at the robot, whole-heartedly hoping it wasn't true.

She had learned to care for Maureen and John as much she still cared for her lost parents, and if whatever was happening on that planet meant loosing them too, Y/N wouldn't know what to do with herself.

The robot turned to her, its metal spine creaking eerily at the movement. "Danger," it repeated, confirming everyone's worries.

"Why would you show us this if we can't do anything to help," Will demanded, his fists clenched at his sides in a feeling of aimless aggravation.

The room watched, tension rising as a bright red dot appeared in the vision. 

"What is that?" Y/N spat, brows rising in apprehension as the robot continuously zoomed in.

Starry Eyed- Will Robinson x Reader (Lost in Space)Where stories live. Discover now