Chapter 27

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Will and Y/N walked back into the Jupiter. They both agreed that they should talk about it later and stick to the task at hand.
"So, What was that about?"
Dr Smith was still sitting at the table, waiting for the mini lesson that Y/N was going to give.
"Yeah, right so, um, let me get back to the transactions. So on the-," Y/N said before she was interrupted by someone, again.
A man who looked like he was in his early thirties or late twenties came into the room, and he recognized Smith. "Doctor Smith," He said.
"Don!" Smith stood up and walked to Don. "You made it. I'm so relieved."
"Yeah. I'm relieved I made it too."
"Do you need anything? Can I get you some water," Dr Smith asked, taking Don into the hallway.
"Sure, maybe that's where my flare gun is. Next to the water," Don said. "You know the flare gun you stole when you left me for dead," Don said.
They stopped walking when Smith stopped to look at Don.
"I would never do that. It was an accident."
"So you stole it out of my pack by accident?"
"Well," Smith said tensing up. "I took it out because I was scared. I thought about shooting it off, but I knew what you'd say. That you'd be annoyed. So I put it back, but in the wrong bag."
They both stayed quiet before Smith continued. "I've been feeling guilty. Now you're here," Smith said while she gave Don a hug. Don put his hands around her back for one second before taking them back off and pushing Smith off of him.
"Okay, okay but don't beat yourself up we both made it."
Smith nodded looking down while Don started to turn away.
"You know, I... I think I saved you," Smith said.
Don snapped back and looked at Smith in a unbelievable way.
"You what," Don asked walking back to her.
"My St. Christopher medal, it saved you, protected. It brought you good luck. Do you still have it?"
"The necklace," Don asked stretching out 'the.'
Smith nodded and Don said, "no, I lost it in the storm."
"Yeah, I forgive you," Smith said softly, pretending to wipe her eyes.
"I got to go. I'll talk to you later, 'kay?"
Don went off and left Smith there, thinking that she did well.


Will and Y/N were connecting the piece to the core of the light, were the power was coming out of. Y/N had already told Will how to extract the panel and he did the rest. There was a clanging sound and Y/N watched as Will struggled to connect it.
"Here," Y/N said.
She put her hand on top of Will's and pushed it into place.
"Uh, Will, is there something on your mind-," Y/N asked before she was interrupted the third time that day.
"Hey, you guys are tough to track down," John said, walking into the tent.
"I thought you wanted us to help," Will said, looking at Y/N with an apologetic glimpse in his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah I did."
Will started to close the latch and it wasn't clicking into place.
"You might want to run those in parallel," Y/N said.
"That way, if on of the lamps shorts, the others won't go out as well," John explained.
"Like Christmas tree lights?"
"Yeah, exactly."
John looked down and Y/N realized that this was one of those father-son moments and John really needed one. She got up and said, "I'm gonna go to the restroom."
They nodded and Y/N went back to the Jupiter.
"I'm sorry I missed a lot of those," John said to Will.
Will looked up from his work to his dad. "Christmas," John finished.
"It's okay. You were saving the world," Will said.
"No, I wasn't there and, uh...I know that bothered you. Just like something is bothering you right now."
Will looked at his dad guiltily, think about the robot and Dr Smith. Dr Smith said she needed the robot for something, something that she said she thought would help her. Will was going to tell Y/N right before his dad came. Will looked down then back at his dad.
      "The robot," John guessed. "I know how close you got. Just upped and left. What do you think about that?"
     "Uh...I...I, um..."
      "Cause I think it hurt. Just like it hurt when I left. But I'm not going anywhere. I'm missed a lot of, um...I know that we don't always get each other but... I'm here now."
      Will smiled.
       "One thing's for sure, kind of hoped all your time. So uh, the upside is that we get to spend time together. Right?"
        Will nodded. "Yeah."
        There was a silence before Will handed his dad some supplies and they began to work on the project together. As father and son.

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