Chapter 85

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It's been a while since they were separated from Penny, and so far, they had no luck in finding a way out of the dry, dark cave.

Y/N pushed against the rounded door, knowing her attempts were useless, but hoping that it could get her and Will somewhere after being trapped for so long.

She turned around, out of breath, only to see Will looking back at her with an amused expression.


"You've been at it for a while now, Y/N."

"I know that," she said, rubbing her arm. "I can feel it too."

Will sighed and looked down at the footprints, tracing his fingers softly over the surface.

"What's wrong?"

"Something's strange about these prints. I...don't think they're the robots," Will said, examining them carefully.

Y/N furrowed her brows and kneeled next to him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. Unfortunately, he was a way better geologist than she was.

"These prints have chitinous striations and textured joints. They're shaped like alien robots but—but they weren't made by metal. They're organic."

Will looked over to the girl who sat on her side, curious to know her opinion, but she didn't really have one.

"What if the robots evolved? I mean, if these footprints aren't recent, it could be what they were like a while ago," Y/N said, tilting her head to get a better look.

Will appreciated her thinking, even though he knew she wasn't much of a geologist.

"That could have been it, if these prints weren't recent."


Will sighed, rubbing his eyes in frustration. "It's actually more of a chance that they're recent over them being preserved."

"So, you're telling me that these creatures are here somewhere?"

Will looked away from her, nodding his head. He didn't need to see her face to know she was worried.

"Will, these robots know your name, and they're dangerous. They aren't like our robot or Scarecrow. You've seen them too. I don't want you to get hurt," Y/N said, placing a hand in his shoulder. "Don't be afraid to tell me or Penny or Judy, hell, even Smith the truth."

Will bit his lip, running his hand through his hair before he stood up, lending Y/N a hand as well.

"I'm sorry, but the truth is scary. I don't want the people I love to be scared. It's what mom and dad would've done."

Y/N smiled and took his hand, pulling herself up to give it a reassuring squeeze. "They'd be proud of you. I know it."

Will relaxed nodding his head at the thought of his parents and he bumped       Y/N's shoulder playfully.

"Thank you, Y/N."

She was about to accept the gratitude but suddenly, a loud bang echoed off the stone walls and they both jumped in alarm, turning to the noise coming from the closed door.

"What was that," Y/N exclaimed, backing away as the crack in the wall expanded.

"I don't know," Will whispered, leaning against the other side of the wall.

The banging sound got louder and louder until the door finally slid open, revealing the source of the sound to be Smith and Penny standing there with crowbars.

"Sorry I'm late," Smith said, watching as Penny ran forward to embrace the two teens. "No way was I coming in here unarmed."

She held up the crowbar as a display but once again, there was another sudden shifting of stone that interrupted them.

This time, it opened to reveal robot.

"Robot," Will exclaimed, turning around to race the starry eyed figure.

"There he is! He's been missing all day,"    Y/N sighed, crossing her arms. "Where were you?"

"Really? Isn't he the one who's supposed to be rescuing you," Smith snapped, pointing at him with her weapon.

Everyone ignored her, apart from a nonchalant rolling of eyes from Y/N as they followed the robot deeper into the cave.

"Wait? The exit's that way," Penny said, pointing behind her.

"I think he wants us to follow him," Y/N replied from ahead. "Why?"

"Danger. Family," the robot replied.

Y/N and Will shared a worried glance.


"Well, I really hope it's another way out," Penny said, walking alongside Y/N.

The teen next to her scoffed, slamming her dying flashlight against her hand as it began to flicker. "Agreed. I'm running out of battery here."

"We can share," Will said.

"I wasn't talking about the flashlight."

Penny giggled and Will shook his head in amusement, but that dimmed as soon as he saw what laid ahead.

In front of them, a huge part of the cave opened up to reveal huge connecting domes and grooves in the walls that looked like tiny homes. Y/N gasped in astonishment at the size of the establishment. It used to be an entire civilization.

"Incredible," Smith whispered, trailing her fingers along the wall.

Penny nodded in agreement, although her face displayed more fear and confusion compared to intrigue.

"Is this where you're from," Will asked the robot, eyeing him expectantly.

Y/N leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse of his response. The starry gaze of the robot glimmered as usual. "He looks like he's trying to remember."

Will pursed his lips after not seeing the robot's reaction. "Do you think whoever made this place made you?"

"Yes," it replied, the stoic voice radiating off the walls.

"More importantly, are they still here," Smith questioned, her voice wavering.

Y/N rolled her eyes. From the looks of the cave city, the answer was pretty obvious. The robot was generous enough to say it anyways. "No."

"You aren't sad, right? You have us, robot," Y/N said, placing her hand on the robot's firm arm.

"Just because someone made you, doesn't mean you're sad when they're gone," Smith remarked, looking at the floor. "Sometimes you're better off without them. Not everyone can have parents like John and Maureen Robinson."

"Not everyone can keep them," Y/N whispered, looking at the emptiness of the city.

Will heard her comment, despite her softness, and his eyes glazed once she realized it wasn't his parents she was talking about, but her own.

After the evacuation, Y/N rarely talked about her parents. Not only that, but she never had time to. Carter was able to find his own, and Will's never left until now. He kind of felt like he could help her accept that she might not be able to see them again, because he was in a similar place with his own family.

He took her hand in his, not meeting her eyes in regret. God, he felt so insensitive.

"Maybe robots and humans aren't so different after all," Penny said, staring at the entwined hands of Y/N and her brother.
She smiled. "That's a good thing, right?"

"We're both only as good as the ones who programmed us," Smith argued.

"That's ridiculous," Y/N retaliated. "Everyone has their own programming, their own way of working. I mean, look at the robot. Look at you."

"That's sweet, but at the end of the day, I fear we are...who we were built to be."

Will turned to look at Smith from over his shoulder. "At the end of the day, we are who we made ourselves to be. Not what someone else built."

Y/N grinned at his comment, looking away from the city and resting her gaze on Will.

"Well said."

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