Chapter 7

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     Y/N had no idea what she had just did. It was like her brain just stopped working!
She was ready to turn back and say sorry to Carter, even if she didn't like that he thought the robot was bad news.
Y/N turned back and started walking and walking some more, looking for the dead tree she passed while she was running, but it never came. She was officially lost.
She smacked herself on the head, which was quite painful because her communicator was strapped on that hand. Wait! She could use it for for directions! She wanted to apologize first.
     "Hi Carter, it's Y/N. I'm sorry about my little freak out earlier. I didn't mean it but at the same time, I did. We can talk more about the other stuff later, but just know that you will always be my best friend, no one could replace you. For now, I need you to locate my tracker chip and send me the directions, I'm lost and I might need to stay overnight here because it's already dark out. I still can't believe I ran away. Please, forgive me. I don't want to lose a friend as good as you," Y/N said into the communicator radio thing.
The device went static then Carter's voice appeared.
"I forgive you Y/N. You're the best friend I've ever had and I could never live without you. When I found out you ran away, I was heartbroken. You are closer to me than my own parents, and, I love you. In the friendly way of course."
Tears were running down Y/N's face as she laughed at Carter's joke.
"I love you too, in the friendly way."
Y/N wore a smile on her face as she walked back to the Jupiter, looking at the locations status that Carter sent her.
      She walked past the dead tree, giving it a small kick, just for her satisfaction. She moved through the forest and back into the arctic area. Shivering as the chilly wind met with her body.
     She saw the hole she fell out of when she was looking for coal and that's when she knew that she was close.
     Y/N's radio went static, hitch brought her attention. It was connected to the whole Resolute, so that meant it could be anyone.
     Y/N sat down in the snow and pulled the radio out of her backpack.
     "This is Judy Robinson from Jupiter 2, do you copy?"
     "This is Y/N L/N, Jupiter 13, I copy."
     She thought the name sounded familiar but she put it aside and kept listening to the radio.
     Suddenly, a light bulb went off in her head. Will was talking about how his sister, JUDY, was stuck in ice. This was her! Y/N was glad she was okay, wondering about the third sister at the same time. She could ask Will later. Oh wait.
     Y/N sighed as she packed her radio and swung it back on her back and looked at how much farther she was from the Jupiter.
      She was almost there.
     Y/N kept on walking until she came up along a familiar hill. She couldn't really see a thing so she turned on her flashlight and continued her path.
      Once she was sure she was very close to the Jupiter, she turned on her communication device towards only Carter.
      "Carter, I think I'm really close to the Jupiter, can you turn oh the headlights?"
      There was static before a terrifying moaning sound came from the device. It was really loud and Y/N tried to cover her ears but it was no use.
     "Carter, are you okay?! What's happening?!"
     The sound intensified and Y/N started to run along the hill. The snow was making it hard to run but Y/N didn't care. Carter could be in danger.
     She saw the headlights of the ship and Y/N started running faster. Weird, it takes a few seconds to turn on the headlights, but the moaning started right after she finished her sentence. Maybe he turned it on before the order?
     Y/N was now right outside the Jupiter. She went up the already open ramp, through the garage and straight to the control room.
     "Carter are you-"
     Y/N stoped in her tracks and saw that Carter was just fine. Did something hack the communication signal. If it did than what? It is also impossible to, the signals were run by the Resolute and that was impossible to hack, they would only get hack if something got in between the signal or the Resolute itself came into the communication chat itself.
     Y/N's thinking was interrupted by a bone crushing hug from Carter.
     "I'm so glad you're okay! Please don't run off again, you can hang out with whoever-"
      "Let's hold that thought for a second. I missed you a lot too but something weird happened on my way here."
     "What kind of weird," Carter asked, pulling Y/N down so she could sit down an talk about it.
     "Something interrupted our signal. Everyone knows that's impossible. Did you hear something," Y/N said.
      "How about after I asked you to turn on the headlights?"
     Y/N gasped and leaned back in her chair.
     "There is no one else on the Resolute, so that one rules out. The second thing is something interrupted the signal. That's also impossible but a Jupiter couldn't have done it for sure. It also only started happening today, so that means it's new."
"That means there was a crash that wasn't a Jupiter," Carter finished.
Y/N nodded and looked at Carter.
"We need to find out what it is."
"Starting tomorrow. We won't be able to investigate anything in the dark and we still doesn't know what on this planet."
"The day I met the robot, I saw a dinosaur."
"Yep, it was pretty cool."
Carter sat up from his chair and pulled Y/N up with him.
"Since there has been so much going on, I never asked you about how you knew all that stuff about flying a Jupiter."
"I always stayed with my parents up in the control room, observing what they did, I slept with the Jupiter manual on my chest too," Y/N smiled.
"Oh-okay. Well, I was wondering if you could teach me some things. It came in pretty handy."
"Sure, I'll be happy to."

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