Chapter 18

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     It was really nice out, much different than the snow capped areas they stayed in. Will and Y/N were taking a walk outside to enjoy the weather when they saw John hammering a pole into the ground.
     "Do you want any help?"
     John panted, "no I'm good."
      "Seriously," Will said, waking up to his dad.
      "Let him help," Y/N finished, looking at the robot.
      John sighed and nodded. The robot went to the pole and smashed it into the ground.
     "So what is that for?"
      "It's a perimeter fence. Like what we had back at home when things got, uh...."
      "Except this ones not meant to keep out people," Y/N said.
      John changed the subject, "so uh, Maureen and I, we're gonna be heading out. We're gonna check whether anyone else has had better luck contacting the Resolute than we have."
       "So this will keep us safe while you're gone," Y/N said, as a statement but mostly a question.
      "Well, we're already safe. We have him," Will said looking up at the robot. He turned to Y/N. "Right Y/N?"
      "Sometimes, I really feel like it depends. Besides, we need something to keep Judy and Penny safe too," Y/N replied.
      John went up behind Will and Y/N as they started walking again.
     "Look, we don't know what it is yet."
     "He," Will and Y/N said.
     "He's our friend," Y/N said. Sure, she's had some trust issues before but now she was sure of this.
     "Y/N's right. You don't know anything about Dr. Smith But you're not worried about her."
    "We don't know anything about Y/N and Carter but we're not worried about them."
    "But we know for sure we can trust them!"
    "No we don't, sorry Y/N."
     "It's fine."
    "Will, the point is, that's different from the robot."
     Will bit his lip as John looked at the robot again.
     "Why don't you help your sisters, Y/N and Carter can start the Jupiter extension protocols. Looks like we might be here for a while."
      Will nodded and took Y/N's hand as they walked back to the Jupiter. John smiled and gave out a small chuckle as he watched the two go. If you count the robot, three.


       Y/N, Will, Penny and the robot watched as there was a small interview of Alpha Centauri.
       "Looks like one heck of a paradise."
      "It sure does."
      "Look at these people, their abs are so well defined," Penny said staring at the screen. Will and Y/N gave her a weird look.
      "Let's begin expansion now," Smith said.
      "Okay, let's get this over with."
      Y/N, Will and Penny hurried to the control room and began to do their work.
      "Oh no, I would love to stay here and do 80 boing chores while you get to go out and look for survivors."
      "Penny," Y/N whined.
     "There are 82 chores."
      Penny gave a playful glare before checking the radiation signal.
      "You also need to remember the last time they went looking for survivors. Hope it's better now," Y/N said, remembering the storm.
     "Hydraulic stoppers?"
      "Oh, Judy, you should go too," Penny said. "Just in case someone needs you to do something heroic."
     "Activate expansion," Y/N said. Will and Y/N clicked the button at the same time, the standard procedure.
     "Clear immediate surroundings," the Jupiter's voice said. "Extension failure."
     "What's wrong," Will asked walking to Y/N.
     "Looks like there is something blocking the extension areas. It's probably a rock. The robot could help us move it."
     Will and Y/N ran out the room, robot following. They ran outside and looked at the rock.
     "How did we not notice that? It's too big. Maybe a bit big for the robot," Y/N said, examining the rock.
     Will started to push it, tried to push it, with all his strength, but the rock didn't move an inch. "Help me!"
     "It isn't going to work and I'm surprise you haven't figured that out by now," Y/N said.
     Will ignored Y/N and continued pushing, and she was surprised when it started moving.
     "How? I-"
     She then saw the full view of the robot doing 99.9999999...% of the work, slowly moving the rock. Y/N shrugged and started to help them too, Will giving himself and smile.
     The robot stopped and Will and Y/N collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. "That...was....a.....bit too......heavy!"
       Y/N stepped back to see their progress. "Do you think it will be enough for the extension to work?"
       "I hope."
      "It has to be at least 15 feet apart. I can go get a measuring tape real fast or-"
      "The extension is working," Penny yelled from the inside of the Jupiter.
      "Or Penny could check from inside."
      "Whoooo! Yayyy!"
      Will started cheering and jumping around, putting his hands up. He was obviously very happy. Y/N laughed as Will almost fell off a rock and came back to the ground.
       "He never very leaves your side does he?"
        Y/N and Will jumped at the sudden appearance of Dr. Smith who was looking up at the robot.
       Will sighed. "Not really."
       "So impressive. I wish I had a friend like that or at least two," Dr.Smith said, pointing at Will and Y/N.
      "Have you asked if there is more of him out there."
      "No, and we don't plan on doing so," Y/N said protectively.
       "And besides, he doesn't talk much," Will added.
      "I wouldn't be so sure about that. The lights in his face, the way they change? I think he's saying a lot."
      "Yeah, you're right. It's like he, like he's starry eyed," Will said, looking at Y/N while saying the last part. Y/N tilted her head, looking at the robot from a different angle. Will realized he was staring after a few seconds and he looked away from Y/N, blushing.
      "And why would you think that, Dr. Smith," Y/N asked.
       "As a therapist, I tend to look at people, read them. It's part of my job."
       "I thought you said you were a psychologist," Y/N said.
      "N-no. I never said that."
       "It was one of the first things you said when we rescued you."
      "Uhh, I have two jobs. I was both before the attack."
      "The Resolute's staff wouldn't waste on the two jobs because they are very similar. You're lying," Y/N said pointing at Dr. Smith.
       "Y/N calm down!"
       "But she's lying, a good one too."
       "Well, you know quite a lot about catching a lier, which I am not," Dr. Smith defended.
      "That's because my dad was a member of the security systems and that meant he would be talking to people in and out. He taught me many things when we were together! And by far he way, the Resolute wouldn't  have hired you if you didn't know if someone was lying."
       "Wait, what was his rank?"
       "I don't know? I'm not supposed to know and if I don't know, you most certainly will not!"
       Will grabbed Y/N by her shoulders and yanked her behind the rock. "Y/N what's wrong? Are you okay? I don't thi-"
       "I'm fine."
       "No your not."
        "You're not the boss of my feelings."
       "I'm the doctor of your feelings, just like Smith," Will said sheepishly.
        "I don't trust her! Did you see what I pulled out?"
       The thudding of the robot interrupted them and Y/N relaxed while watching his lights, his starry eyes.
       "Y/N L/N."
       "Hi," Y/N said, slipping from Will.
       "You know, Will, I haven't spent a lot of time with him lately, maybe I could go on a walk with him."
       "What happened to your little mood from earlier," Will asked.
        "It vanished. I don't know what happened."
      "Huh. Maybe you can say sorry to Smith and then we could hang out all together!"
       "Yeah, not a chance."
      "You know, I'm still here."
       "Look, Smith offered to talk with the robot, read him. I want to."
       "But I don't. The robot is my responsibility too!"
       "Fine,  okay. Can the robot hang out with me."
       "You guys 'hang out' a bit more than I thought you would."
        Y/N turned with the robot and they started to walk into the Jupiter. Will followed them back in, leaving Smith alone.
       "Dang it, I was so close!"

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