Chapter 81

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The emergency alarm blared over the the field, kids immediately stopping what they were doing as they made their way to the hideout near the stream.

From above, the loud impact of the meteor and the atmosphere boomed and everyone covered their necks and ears at the noise.

"Hurry up everyone! Just drop that, it's okay!"

Y/N rushed through the clearing to direct the kids to their spots, Will trailing behind her with a hand one of the younger boy's back.

Samantha was seen following them into their bunker, crawling in before Will and Vijay while Judy stared at the explosion in the sky.

Y/N sat on the floor, hushing the kids around in the darkness as she listened for Judy's instructions, which was all clear after a couple seconds of silence.

"Okay, it's clear. We just need to be a little more faster this time, okay?"

Judy gave a weak smile towards Y/N before hurrying to Penny in the other tent.

Will stepped beside her, watching the interaction between Judy and Penny turn into a sour greeting.

"Penny's changed a little, you know. Everyone thinks she's so cool," Will said, shuffling on his feet. "I wonder if she'll ever just tell us what's wrong."

Y/N raised a brow in his direction with amused expression. "How do you know that she's keeping something from you?"

"I don't know. Sibling instinct, I guess," Will smiled, walking along side her back to the Jupiter.

Inside the main room, Y/N could see the control screen filled with a map of the meteors, although they looked as if they collided with others in the asteroid belt around them.

"What's going on here?"

"One of those pieces in the big meteor just fell, but look how many other smaller pieces came off too. A lot of them are just floating in orbit," Vijay explained, pointing to the expanding array of dots o. The screen.

"But, there's already an asteroid belt orbiting around this planet. It's getting crowded."


Judy sighed and crossed her arms, turning to the current rock expert in the room.

"How long before the computer won't be able to safely navigate the ship through this mess?"

"At this rate, four or five days."

"And then we'll be stuck her forever. It'll take more than four days to complete repairs of the ship, won't it," Judy asked Will.

"I could do it in four hours if I had the titanium."

The group exchanged worried looks as Judy walked over to the windshield, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"I wish I could do this myself."

"Do what?"


"So, when we first got here, the Jupiter sensors picked up a pure titanium deposit two miles up. We asked the robot to go get it but the rock couldn't support his weight."

Y/N clicked her tongue and traced her finger along the map. "You're right, it's a long way up, we'll need our suits because of how damaged the atmosphere is. How are we going to climb up that thing with heavy suits and zero experience climbing up that high," Y/N asked.

Judy smiled at the confused expressions around the room after Y/N mentioned the space suits and she gave everyone a reassuring look. "We're only going to have one shot at this. So this needs to succeed, or we can forget about ever seeing Alpa Centauri or our parents. So, everybody prep your suits. Anyone know where the rest of the gear is?"

Will raised his hand. "There are ropes in the storage room and we can print the rest of the gear we need."

"Great. It's a plan."

Everyone spread out to begin their work, the robot trailing after Will on his way to the garage.


"Tell me about it," Will sighed, Turing away once again.

"Help Will Robinson."

Will narrowed his eyes, glancing around at the people around him before answering. "I know you're always trying to help me...but you can't this time. Okay?"

With that, Will left, leaving Y/N with the robot and Judy and Penny with an awkward silence.

"Come on robot, we need to print out that stuff. You can help us with that," Y/N sighed, leading the way downstairs.

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