Chapter 80

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349 days later

Y/N woke up to the rustling of fabric beside her as Samantha moved over in her sleep, slightly bumping into the corner of the table but staying unbothered by the hard metal that was holding her side.

The sun was up and many kids were already rubbing their eyes and getting ready for a new day of preparation as the stood and stretched their arms before exiting the Jupiter.

The robot was standing in the corner of the room, the lights floating around in his face seeming to be light hearted as they continued their daily flow. The robot was staring straight at her.

Getting up from her sleeping spot in the corner with the little kids, Y/N was careful to dodge her way around any tiny fingers or twitching legs from the cold.

"Hey robot. I thought you were supposed to be keeping watch?"

He only stared back at her.

"Okay, it's alright. Just try to do so next time," Y/N said, patting the robots arm before she moved out of his way and exited the Jupiter.

It was a damp morning down in the valley they had taken refuge in almost a year ago. They had been stuck in a little pocket of oxygen, which they were lucky to find, until the had fixed their thruster. And that was only supposed to take a few weeks.

Walking up along the muddy earth, Y/N came from under the Jupiter to see Will standing still, almost stiff, as he met eyes with his sisters, Judy and Penny.

Their relationship had seemed to swallow as Will gave them an overdue promise about getting the engine ready to go again. But it wasn't his fault.

Breaking their eye contact, Will looked around until his eyes landed on Y/N a few feet away from him.

"Oh, hi. Good morning," he said, giving a small smile.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"

Will shrugged and rubbed his arm lightly as he looked around at the small amateur huts built around the field.

"I'm...okay. Just worrying about anything else. The titanium stuff isn't going too well."

Y/N sighed, stepping closer so she could point at the eye bags on Will's face. "I can tell. So can your sisters, and your robot."


"No need. Come on. No one but us is going to organize this mess," Y/N smiled and walked ahead to the stream, where kids were talking 3 hour shifts on finding rocks.

Will sighed as he watched Y/N walk farther away from him to look at the kids progress in the stream, and he couldn't help but feel that Penny and Judy weren't the only ones who he was finding a hard time communicating with.

And that Penny and Judy weren't the only ones who was beginning to lose hope in him.


"Comment ca va."

"Comment ca va."

Dr Smith sighed and nodded, shaking her head to brush aside the strands of hair that got in her face.

"You have to bring it out of your throat more like this: ca va."

"Ca va."

She gave her signature smirk and nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets before she spotted Y/N in the corner.

"Yes, yes, very good. You're dismissed."

The kids slowly got up from their spot on the dry grass to go and help with the fields, more specifically the corn which growth was up 3% from last week.

Starry Eyed- Will Robinson x Reader (Lost in Space)Where stories live. Discover now