Chapter 4

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Y/N released a big breath and stepped back. "Oh thank goodness! I thought you were something else."

Will nodded and smiled, "me too!"

"So what are you doing here," Y/N asked.

"Long story actually. To make it shorter: my sister got stuck in ice and over night, it got colder and she only has a matter of time before she runs out of oxygen."

Y/N stared at Will.

"Umm, I'm sorry. Do you need to get to her or something?"

"I would but I can't. My dad got some magnesium and we are going to use it to help her get out. I have to stay here until they can come get me back."

"Ohhh. I was here to get poop."

Will stared at the girl weirdly. "What for?"

Y/N took a deep breath, "I was doing some thinking yesterday and we ran out of fuel and I thought why don't we power it up with produce but then again, kinda not how it works but I wanted to give it a try."

This time it was Will's turn to stare.

"What now?"

"Never mind."

Will was just about to say something before the ground slightly shook and a big THUMP THUMP was heard.

Will instinctively grabbed Y/N's hand and both of them ran to a nearby bush.

Both of them watched as a ginormous kind of dinosaur made its way into the path, not seeing Will and Y/N.

Y/N's mouth dropped open and she put her free hand in her pocket to grab her camera before she remembered that it wasn't with her.

The dinosaur stomped away as Will and Y/N slowly emerged through the bushes.

"Woah, that's amazing," Y/N said in amazement.

"Yes, it is."

Y/N smiled, planting the picture in her brain for her to sketch later. She wanted to tell Carter all about it for that was one of the only living thing there that was originally on the planet.

OMG, CARTER! He must be worried sick!

"Umm Will, sorry but I have to go. I don't want the others to worry. Are you going now too or are you going to wait here for your dad?"

Will shrugged.

"Well okay then, I might as well take you back so they don't have much to worry about after your sister."

Y/N was just about to walk away before she felt something pulling on her hand.

Both Y/N and Will went red for he was still holding her hand.

"O-oh I'm s-sorry I didn't um, I-," Will stuttered.

Y/N smiled, still red.

"It's okay."

They pulled their hands apart and then started walking back before they heard something coming towards them.

They stopped and looked behind their shoulders to see the robot. The attacker from the Resolute.


They both started  running as fast as they could. Y/N looked behind and saw how fast it was.

"Will, we won't make it in time! Quick, up the tree!"

They stopped and quickly started climbing the tree, going higher and higher up, hoping that the robot couldn't climb.

Starry Eyed- Will Robinson x Reader (Lost in Space)Where stories live. Discover now