Chapter 41

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"Any luck?"

The group with the fuel were looking for Y/N for hours. They didn't find anything. Judy was the one who was actually freaking out. She was running around frantically, calling out Y/N's name on the top of her lungs.

"Judy, chill. I'm sure she is perfectly fine," Don reassured. "Her scary ass robot is probably with her."

Judy shook her head and kept on running through the forest. "She's only 11!"

Don sighed and walked off towards Victor. "Come on. Y/N! Oh forget it, let's go. West could be right," Victor gave up.

Aiko glared at Victor. "But Judy is correct. Y/N is only a child. What if she is in trouble?"

"Well, we can only hope for the best. We need to get the fuel back."

"Wha-hey! If your son was missing you would keep on looking for him," Judy yelled in disbelief.

"Now, now," Evan stepped in. "Maybe she made it back. We checked her records before we left and she is quite strong and good with survival."

Evan went to the Chariot and picked up the radio. "Chariot 11 to Jupiter 2, do you copy?"

There was static before a voice rang from the speaker. "This is Penny Robinson from Jupiter 2, how may I help you?"

"Is Y/N L/N with you?"

"Yeah, she's with us."

Judy's mouth dropped. That wasn't possible, if they could go by foot, they would have been back by now. Aiko put a hand on Judy's back. "She safe," Aiko softly whispered.

Judy just stood there quietly, still thinking about what had just happened.


Y/N looked at Carter's remaining stuff. A few comics and a picture. Well, now she knew why he was always so busy. The thing she didn't know was why they operated in secret.

Y/N picked up the small, framed picture. It was her and Carter, laughing. She still didn't believe what had happened in between them. The fight went by in a snap, just like their friendship. Suddenly, a wave of understanding hit Y/N. It was her fault. She should have been more truthful and less curious.

She sighed and placed the picture down and walked to Will's room. Maybe he was feeling better and he could tell her about the robot.

The door was already open and she could hear voices talking.

"Haven't you built, like, three of those," Penny's voice rang.

Y/N could her the sound of plastic and metal being dragged together. "Can you just leave me alone," Will said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay. Fine, whatever. I just, um...I thought maybe you would like to learn how to fly."

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she stepped forward. Before she knew it, she had started to walk towards them and she wasn't looking where she was going. Y/N tripped over her own feet and toppled onto the ground right in front of the door. Penny and Will stared at her giving Y/N queasy vibes.

"Hey there," Penny smirked.

"Uh...hi. I was just walking by and, um, I tripped?"

"But you still heard everything," Penny asked- more as a statement.

"Heh, heh. Anyways, I have an idea on that flying thing."

Will looked up from his kit and gave Y/N a 'oh really' look.

5 minutes later

"Wooooooo," Will cheered.

Y/N, Penny and Will were all down in the basement and Will was wearing his space suit while his legs were wrapped around the wheel amplifier.

Penny chuckled as Y/N smiled and Will cheered. She turned the knob left making Will go to his right. "Yeah!"

"This is so dangerous," Will cheered.

Y/N laughed at how Will made it sound like he never did anything dangerous in his whole life. Penny went around in circles watching Will as she held the remote. "So dangerous!"

"Okay, ready? Three, two, one, stop."

Penny clicked on a button and the machine stopped. Will sighed and shifted his weight so he could be more comfortable. He clicked of the helmet and he shook his head making his hair go here and there. "Whoa."

Y/N smiled and she took his helmet while Penny helped him off. Will jumped up then he flopped down onto some mats that were on the other side. "Whoa, are you okay," Penny asked, worried Will might get sick.

"I'm better than okay," Will grumbled lazily.

He got up and put his arms up. "Yes!"

Y/N laughed and Will looked at her. "I'm sorry for being such a butt hole."

Will looked at the floor than back at Y/N who was just smiling. "No, no, it's fine."

Will smiled and he put his arms up again before slowly putting them down, his expression dropping. He suddenly remembered the robot.

"Hey, Hey. What just happened?"

Will stayed silent and just stared. "Thanks you two. But...I think I'm done. This was fun."

He turned around and started to leave the garage, still in his space suit.

"Wow, something really bad must have happened while I was gone," Y/N said.

Penny continued to look at the door. "You have no idea."


Smith crouched in front of the broken pieces of the robot that she had put in order. The head, then the arms, then the stomach, and then the legs.

"Cheers to the Robinsons."

I felt like updating sooner so I hope you enjoyed. The bags under my eyes are getting bigger.

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