Chapter 73

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"We have to hide them," Will decided after they heard voices from the other side.

"Hide them? We can't hide two giant robots. Where are we gonna fit two giant robots. And I have an idea," Penny rambled.


"The Resolute is so big and this is where you chose to hide them," Y/N pinched her nose.

They were hiding in the dumpster. The dumpster.

"Well, no one comes here so I guess it's fine," Will shrugged trying not to gag.

"Y/N, your turn," Penny breathed deeply and put her hand out asking for Y/N's radio.

Y/N wondered how she could stand the smell of the disgusting garbage but she gave Penny the radio anyways and watched as she smashed it up.

"There," Penny sighed as she chucked the radio towards her.

Y/N's reflexes kicked in and she bent down before the radio could hit her. "Watch it!"

Penny shrugged and dropped the metal stick she was using. "Well, now one can track us by our radios."

"We also have no way to contact anyone," Will raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, What if your parents or Judy or both are trying to talk to us," Y/N added.

"But, we can contact them another way. We need to hide right now."

"Yeah, speaking of hiding. What a great place Penny," Y/N said as she kicked a trash bag.

"It was the only thing I could think of!"

Will rolled his eyes and turned to the robot. "Okay, robot, if we're gonna help Scarecrow, you need to tell us how. Where are we supposed to go?"

The robot took Will's hand gently and turned to Y/N, pulling her arm making her stumble.

"Oof," she grunted as she bumped against Will. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

The robot placed their fingers on his left arm and made them trace over carvings on his wrist. Oddly familiar carvings.

"What do these symbols mean? They look really familiar," Y/N squinted down at them.

Will looked between Y/N and the robot's hand before gasping and turning to Penny.

"We saw those in the trench at the water planet! These are the pictures mom took. They match, so, we need to take Scarecrow to the water planet?"

Y/N looked at the robot curiously and he walked over to Scarecrow.

"Or not," Penny mumbled.

The robot picked up his arm and Y/N bent down.

"These are different markings," she said as she traced over them. Scarecrow tensed up before relaxing into her touch.

"I don't understand," Will's voice cracked.

The robot took his long arm and his metal fingers started to carve into the wall, making the dirt go away and reveal silver.

"Oh, Pictionary," Penny smiled before naming random things that weren't even close to what he was drawing.

"It's a horse," Will gasped in realization.

Y/N gave him a high five and he smiled.

"But what does a horse have to do with saving Scarecrow. Is it Gypsy? No, he's dead," Y/N rambled.

"No, no, no. I don't care how sick this thing is, I'm not feeding it a horse," Penny pointed to Scarecrow.

"The Amber Planet," Will looked at the ground. "You want us to take Scarecrow to the ring on the Amber Planet," Will's voice grew every second he realized it in excitement.

The robot put his arms up making a whirring noise and Will jumped up. "Yeah!"

Y/N chuckled and looked at the horse drawing again.

"Attention fellow colonists, this is Ben Adler," his familiar accent washed over the speakers. "This message is to alert you to the actions of some of your fellow colonists, Will Robinson...and Y/N L/N," he finished after a pause. "We have video evidence of them removing from the engine room a piece of equipment that is vital to the completion of our journey to Alpha Centauri. This action was taken without the regard of the future safety of you or your loved ones. With that in mind, we request that if you see them or the robot they control, you report their whereabouts to security personnel immediately. And if you can hear me, kids, I know you think you're doing the right thing, but there are other ways to handle this. Don't let this go farther than it already has."

Will exhaled heavily and Y/N put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay Y/N. It's not your fault. You didn't know he was going to turn on us," Will said as he put his hand on hers.

She nodded and looked down.


"So how are we gonna get to the planet," Penny asked.

"I don't know. Fly down a Jupiter," Will smirked at Y/N who already knew what he was talking about.

"I'm in, well, of course you knew that."

"Uhh, What are we talking about," Penny questioned, not knowing what was going on.

Y/N turned towards her and stepped forward. "We're gonna fly down. By ourselves."

"Yeah, that'd be great if either of us knew how to fly a Jupiter."

Will smacked his forehead and Y/N sighed and raised her hand. "Here to help."

Penny gasped and her eyes widened. "How? Where are we even gonna get a Jupiter?"

"We'll get help."


"So, what's the plan," Y/N asked. "It's not like someone is gonna willingly give a Jupiter to a few kids."

Will nodded and leaned on a wall. "Well, we could use our Jupiter."

"Yeah, but that's probably were there's gonna be a buttload if guards just waiting for us to show out faces," Y/N sighed. "I wish I knew about Adler."

"Y/N, none of this is your fault," Will groaned as he shook Y/N's shoulders. He leaned closer. "Please don't believe that."

Y/N stared and Will just gazed at her eyes. Slowly, they began leaning in and their lips just slightly brushed each other's before there was a creaking and both of them ran away from each other, awkwardly standing at another side of the room.

Will anxiously tried to slap the blush and goofy smile off his face while Y/N just pretended to be talking to the robot.

Both of them turned their heads to see Judy and Samantha at the door. They immediately forgot about what happened and they ran to the bottom of the ladder that went up to the door.

"Hi, Judy," Will waved.

Y/N laughed awkwardly and nodded her head as the robot followed their eyes, turning towards the kids.

"Hi, Samantha," Y/N smiled softly at the youngest kid in the room who giggled.

"Yeah, we should probably talk," Penny told Judy who was staring at the three figures standing on the floor of a dump, and her younger brother who was blushing continuously.




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