Introductory Chapter 79-BEGINNING OF SEASON 3

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"I'm entering cargo bay one now"

Clanging of the old hydraulic systems powering the main room echoed around the room, causing captain Judy Robinson to look around warily.

"The fuel cells are still generating minimum power."

Y/N frowned, turning her head over to the screen next to her with difficulty because of her helmet. "Judy, your heart rate's elevated."

"Hey! Don't spy on my vitals. Just keep an eye on our damaged engine and those asteroids," Judy snapped, shaking her head lightly.

Penny rolled her eyes from beside Y/N, staring straight at the Fortuna as if she could see what was happening inside. "Do you think he's still alive?"

"It's been 20 years," Will shrugged.

From inside the first cargo bay of the Fortuna, a spaceship that has been missing for the past 20 years only to be rediscovered next to the ruins of a planet, Judy opened the hatch to reveal the control room.

"The landers missing. In an emergency, it would've launched with the crew in their cryotubes. Maybe I can find where they went."

Y/N bit her lip and opened her mouth, as if she were about to say something but decided against it. "Um, Judy?"


"Do you really want to risk doing this? I mean, the Fortuna is still unstable and there isn't much of a chance that the cryotubes will still be running."

"This was my choice Y/N."

"Right...I'm sorry."

Judy nodded and continued to float up into the control room, using the walls to keep herself from crashing into the control panel. Reaching towards the main screen, Judy clicked on a button and the ship's light filled the room as electricity took its chance again after 20 years.

Giving a small gasp of satisfaction, Judy took a look at the calculating coordinates of the lander. "The radar's trying to pinpoint and signal from the Fortuna lander."

Watching the satisfying beeping of the panel, Judy couldn't help but feel something was moving from the corner of her eyes. Slowly turning around, Judy's heart leaped as the dead body of a former astronaut floated up to the front,  showing a full view of the frozen skin of the woman from being exposed to radiation from the non functioning ship.

"Judy, your heart rates going crazy. Is someone there," Penny asked, looking over Y/N's shoulder.

"Faith Carson, payload specialist. Deceased. Cause of death, radiation exposure. From what, I'll have to determine later."

Will's eyes widened and he turned back to the radio facing the windshield.

" careful."

"I'm fine. I wanna in what happened here and why the crew went missing."

Pulling up the security cameras, Judy scrolled through the live cams until she found the one of a room filled with large boxes with a fogged up window.

"There's the crew in their cryotubes."

Warning. Starboard engine A failure the computer boomed.

"Starboard thruster A went offline. I think it's leaking fuel into the main igniter," Will said, trying to stop the autopilot as two asteroids collided.

Warning. Conjunction imminent. Warning conjunction imminent.

"There's a really big asteroid coming towards us. The. Jupiter is starting it auto pilot," Y/N gasped.

"Please, one thing at a time."

"Well, more than one thing is happening," Penny snapped. "Maybe it's time to come back now."

"It's really time to come back now," Y/N added as the Jupiter's thrusters began.

"No, I'm so close...."

Safety systems engaged. Autopilot starting.

"Hey, turn it off. Judy isn't back yet."

"I'm locked out."

Leaving in 90 seconds.

"Judy, the computer took over. We're leaving now," Will said.

Judy frowned, looking at the computer before back at the retreating Jupiter.

"Alright. I'm leaving now."

Unplugging her device, Judy turned away from the main board and floated out of the control room, ignoring the computer's beeps of an incomplete search.

"Vijay, prepare the kids for landing," Penny yelled.

"On it. Everyone needs to buckle up! Buckle up," Vijay shouted, running through the Jupiter to help the younger kids before sitting down himself. "Let's get strapped up, alright?"

Just then, Judy had exited the hatch and went into open space, relaying on her tether as she jumped out to reach for the Jupiter, sliding across the roof and just about to slide off before someone grabbed her and pulled her inside.


It was a sickening familiar voice.


"Please Tell me I'm hearing things," Judy groaned.

Will and Y/N exchanged a look before sighing and strapping themselves in. It seemed like 'Doctor' Zoe Smith was back.


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