Chapter 51

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Yes. It was smooth at first, but something went wrong. They vented, Y/N saw that from a distance. That probably wasn't the reason the Jupiter exploded.

They all sat around the table in silence as the only sound they could hear was the beeping of Will's radio. The weird thing was, they found Will in the basement, all tied up. He must have been talking to Smith behind their back which irritated Y/N a bit.

Meanwhile, Penny was staring off to space. Each second was like reliving the fear she had felt when she saw the bursting flames.

"Maybe it's the repeater, I'm still adjusting," Will said, not looking up from his radio.


"Or the wrong frequency," he continued.

"Will," Penny tried this time.

"Maybe the parabolic reflector's aren't working."

"You can't reach him," Judy frowned.

"You don't know that," Y/N tried to defend his friend.

"I saw it Will. And you did too Y/N."

"What color was the explosion," Will asked. "Was it red? Red could indicate low temperature combustion, which proves parts of the ship could still be intact."

Y/N looked down and played with her jacket. "It wasn't red."

Will placed his hands on his device and looked around anxiously. "Did you see any pieces fall to the ground," Will almost cried.

"I don't know," Judy shook her head.

Y/N have Will a worried glance while he looked down in thought. Then, his head shot up in another ray of hope. "Dad was wearing a suit. He'd have oxygen. He could be fine. We don't know for sure-"

"Okay, but here's what we do know," Judy interrupted. "Dad would not want us to be focused on him right now. He'd want us to find mom."

"How," Penny asked in a daze.

Y/N nodded and looked at Judy. "Penny's right. Dr Smith could have taken her anywhere."

Y/N turned her body to face Will and she questioned, "what did Smith tell you?"

"That doesn't matter. But the fact that she took her tells us something. It means that Smith needs her. We need to figure out why...and we'll know how to find them," Judy informed.

~~~lol, Smith the bitch kidnapped Maureen and stuff. Moving on~~~~

"How is that gonna help her," Y/N asked after Will told them that Smith had the pieces of the robot.

"I don't know...but she had it."

"The robot head," Penny said, more as a statement.

"Yeah, she said she could bring him back," Will glanced at Y/N who's eyebrows shot up.

"But why does she need mom? If anything, she wouldn't have needed you and Y/N."

Judy rolled her eyes and started to walk out the room.

"Where are you going?"

"Sitting here doesn't help. They can't have gone far," Judy continued to walk before will shot up and walked around the table.

"Wait! I'm coming with you."

"Will, no. Okay, you need to stay here."

"But I can help," Will argued.

Y/N walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Will, you should listen to Judy  and Penny. They're the oldest and we're only 11."

Penny smiled at Y/N and nodded.

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