Chapter 6

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"Carter! What are you doing here?"

"No, I'm going to ask you that question. What are you doing here Y/N?"

Y/N could swear that she saw steam coming out of Carter's ears.

"Is this what you call 'girl stuff' Y/N? Come on, we are going back to our Jupiter."

Carter made a move to grab Y/N's wrists before the robot's robotic voice said, "Danger, Y/N L/N and Will Robinson."

It grabbed Carter's hands and lifted it into the air, the lights glowing red.

"What is that," Carter whimpered in fear.

"No, wait, he's a friend! Please let him go. He's a friend," Y/N soothed, putting her hands up to try and calm the robot down.


"Yeah, friend," Will said, stepping into the situation.

The robot looked at Carter and put him down, the light turning back to blue.

Carter scurried over to Y/N, holding her hand.

"What is it?"

"He's our friend."

"Y/N, you've gone crazy."

"No, she hasn't. If she's crazy, then I'm crazy," Will said standing up for the robot and Y/N.

"It was just a joke, gosh," Carter said, giving a slight glare at Will.

"Look, all that matters is that you know that he isn't a threat," Y/N said pointing at the robot.

"Yeah, because he's much more than that," Carter said.

"Didn't you see how he put you down when I told him to? He's special, he's a friend. And if you don't believe that than I can tell him and he can do whatever he wants to do to you," Y/N said, yanking her hand away from Carter.

"Y/N what's wrong with you? We're best friends, we don't keep anything from each other and you lied to me several times in only two days?"

"There is nothing wrong with Y/N," Will started.

"You stay out of this," Carter said sharply to Will.

"Will, I'm sorry. Carter, we need to talk."

"Yeah, we do."

Y/N waved goodbye to Will and gave an apologetic smile as she walked with Carter back to the Jupiter.

(Time skip back to the Jupiter)

"Carter, I really need you to listen to me. The robot, he is harmless, unless he needs to be."

"He was going to kill me Y/N! Do you suddenly hate me now?!"

"No! I would never hate you! Maybe sometimes your decisions but I have it in my heart to respect them. This however, isn't something I'm going to respect. If you don't listen, I'll leave."

"Then leave. I don't want you to get hurt. I know your still keeping things from me. For example, your room smells like ash. Care to explain?"

"First, you know if I leave it's no different than what you think the robot is. I didn't think anyone would survive in this weather without special equipment. Second, I was trapped in a fire, but the robot saved me. That's what you want to 'protect me' from, huh?"

"I still don't trust it, I don't trust Will either."

"Okay so, what did Will do," Y/N asked, feeling like Carter thought the world was against him.

"He was with you, probably why your shutting me out. You got someone to replace me? A new best friend?"

"A new friend Carter. Not best friend. Friend. I would never replace you unless I have a very good reason why, something terrible, for an example. I know, that in all your life, you would never do such a thing."

Carter sighed and sat up from his chair.

"I still want you to stay away from that...thing, and Will."

"Carter, please. Do I ever do anything like this for you? I know this is your Jupiter, and I will leave with no complaints if you want me to, but I will never go against the robot. He saved my life! Even you've never done that. I've always been by your side in everything. Isn't it your turn to give the favor back," Y/N said, secretly on the verge of tears.

"Maybe I can when it's a good time."

"It is a good time," Y/N pleaded.

Carter shook his head, while Y/N was absolutely disappointed.

Y/N got up from her seat and went up to Carter.

"Bye, bestie," she spat.

"Y/N wait," Carter tried.

Y/N walked to her room in a paralyzed state and grabbed her coat, radio, statics laptop, a bottle of water and some other required things, then left the Jupiter.

Carter waited for Y/N outside her room, tears falling down his cheeks.

'This is all Will's fault,' he thought.

He balled up his fists just to let it loose again.

It was his fault. The robot protected her way more than Carter himself did.

He kept on waiting outside the door, until it had been at been at least an hour.

Carter put his hand on the handle and turned the knob, taking a deep breath.

"Y/N I-"

He gasped as he saw that Y/N wasn't there. How?!

Carter ran into the room checking everywhere to look where Y/N had ran off.

He finally looked under the bed to see a small book.

He took it tried to open it, but it was locked, he started shaking to see if there was any key but instead, a note fell out.

Carter picked it up and read, 'BYE BESTIE', in Y/N'a handwriting. She seemed to care a lot about the robot.

He looked at the book before throwing it aside. He walked around the other side of the bed before he started falling and his foot went through the floor.

"What the?!"

He took his foot out and crawled back.

Carter started punching at the hole, making it bigger and bigger until he found it to be a secret vent. He crawled through it, coughing as some dust entered his nose.

He kept on crawling and crawling until he saw a small light. The end of the vent.

Carter shifted positions and he kicked the vent open. A few boxes fell but Carter didn't care. He saw the Chariot and the ramp that was open.

Carter was in the garage, where Y/N escaped.

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