Chapter 1

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Screams echoed through the hallways and corridors as people tried to escape the terrors that entered the Resolute. People were hurt, scared, dead, or escaping.

Meanwhile, Y/N L/N was running through the hallways, going straight to her Jupiter. The West wing was down and now it was a matter of time before the South was too.

There was a bang of orange light going off in the hallway in front of her, the energy making her bounce off and fall. They were already here. Y/N started breathing heavily, looking for a way out before....

"Y/N come here!"

She turned to see Carter waving her into a vent. Typical Carter.

"I can't reach you!"


Y/N propelled herself up and took a hold of his hand.

"Come on, I know a short path to our Jupiter."

Once Y/N made her way into the vent and closed the latch behind her, they started to crawl their way through.

"Where are our parents," Y/N asked, now relaxing a bit after almost turning into a human kebab.

"I don't know, maybe they are with my parents, I wasn't with them when it started."

Y/N nodded.

They were crawling for a little more, turning sometimes and climbing before Y/N heard more bangs and screams and said, "I hope you know where you're going."

"Trust me, I've been through here many times when I'm late for class," Carter explained.

There was a burning smell and more intense screams and bangs.

"We're here," Carter said.

"Are you sure we should? The sounds were closer than before. Maybe the attacker moved."

"I'm positive. Trust me."

Carter kicked the latch open and he jumped out, Y/N following him out. They ran through the hallways, giving them a chance to look at the damage. There were bodies, everywhere. It didn't smell the best and there were small fires spreading their way.

"This is horrible," Carter breathed.

Y/N simply nodded, petrified.

They were running down the last hallway until they heard a low growling, coming from the next corridor.

Y/N took notice of this. "Carter, hurry!"

Carter put his hand in his pocket to retrieve the card. He froze and looked in his other pocket. Then he started patting all over himself.

"Carter , don't tell me we made it all the way over here and you FORGOT your card," Y/N yelled enraged.

He nervously smiled as Y/N smacked him on the back of the head and kicked the door.


"U-um Carter Cosgrove, Jupiter 13," he said with a trembling voice.

"Lock disabled," the robotic voice said.

There were bang and growls coming from the next corridor. The door swung open and the two rushed inside.

The attacker started to speed over taking notice of the two.

"Come on, come on," Y/N pleaded as she kept pressing at the lock button. The door slammed shut, "lock raised."

Y/N let out a huge breath and leaned on the wall. The ground shook. They weren't safe yet.

"Carter hurry up and put on your helmet and get me a spare, where are your parents?"

"I don't know,"

There was nothing.

"Mr and Mrs Cosgrove? Mom, dad? Are you here?"


Y/N dashed to the control room and took the radio.

"Hello? This is Y/N L/N coming from Jupiter 13, anybody here?"

There was a static and then it started beeping.

They lost contact.

Carter and Y/N exchanged looks.

"They probably went on another Jupiter, with my parents too I guess."

"Without us," Carter said with and obvious hitch in his voice, heartbreak.

Y/N looked down, "I'm sorry Carter but my parents aren't here either and we have to get this going-"

There was another shake and the lights flickered. They were still under attack.

There was a banging at the door and growls coming from behind.

"Come on we need to figure this out. I know some things about flying a Jupiter," Y/N added.

Carter went to the back to get they gear as Y/N prepared the ship.

"Boosters," Y/N noted as they needed to re-check the capability.




"Radiation protection?"


"Get ready to disengage ," Y/N said.

She pressed the disconnect, taking them off the Resolute.

"Radiation detected. Radiation detected," the Jupiter's robotic voice boomed.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

That means the East wing would explode along with them.


"Im trying!"

Y/N got up from her seat, unstrapping the heavy protection and going over to Carter.

"What are you doing!"

"I can't believe I'm friends with this dummy," Y/N muttered under her breath.

She pushed the disengage and rushed to her seat, quickly fastening herself back. The break of energy blasted them back as the disconnected from the Resolute and got sucked into a rift.

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