Chapter 55

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"I see what you're trying to do," Smith yelled to Maureen who was now having the Jupiter go down hurtling to the planet.

"Danger Dr. Smith, Danger Dr.Smith," the Robot repeated as he pushed Dr Smith back into the center room.

Right on time, Judy, Y/N, Penny and Will unbuckled and quietly exited the room. Smith's yells of protest were muted as the Robot pushed her inside and Maureen closed and locked all the doors that lead out of that room, trapping Smith and the robot.

Y/N cheered and Judy gave Maureen a happy smile.

"Okay, now, I'm going to find my husband," Maureen muttered.

"Hey, you realize that Smith won't be staying there for long," Penny said as Maureen made her way over to them.

"Yes, but we still have plenty of time," Maureen answered as she put her hand on Penny's shoulder.

"Penny, Judy, you guys ready the harpoon. Will, Y/N, you are with me."

Penny's eyes widened and she turned to her mom. "Woah, we have a harpoon," she breathed.

Judy rolled her eyes and grabbed her arm pulling her away to the basement. "Epic!"

Maureen let out a small chuckle and she grabbed Will and Y/N's hands.


"Going towards the planet must have used up a lot of fuel," Y/N said as she looked at the low fuel warning.

"Do we still have enough to find dad," Will asked from his mom's side.

Y/N shrugged. "Hopefully."

"I'm starting another infrared sweep," Maureen informed.

From behind them, you could hear the pounds coming from the robot from inside the room.

"If he can get that bonfire lit soon, we should be okay," Maureen added.

Will looked behind his shoulder at the robot, you could see through the glass, and Y/N followed his gaze. Both of them missed them a lot.

Maureen watched their sad stares and sighed.

"We never should have saved him," Y/N looked down. "Should have let him die in that tree..."

Will nodded in agreement and put a hand on her shoulder.

"The robot is only as good as its master. You two are very good people," Maureen soothed the both of them. "The robot saved Judy because of you. And you."

"Because of me," Will asked Maureen. Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"That's right."

"Because of me, Judy was trapped in the ice," Will argued.

"No one blames you for that," Maureen rushes out.

"I should have been able to swim down. If I just would have swam down and grabbed the battery, everything would have been fine," Will shot.

Y/N was really confused but she didn't say anything.

"Enough. We have plenty of problems to solve now without rehashing the past," and with that, Maureen walked down to the console.

Will followed her after a couple of seconds and he stood by Maureen who was looking forward.

"I didn't pass the test, did I?"

Y/N's mouth dropped and she looked at Will who could feel the shock coming from behind him.

"What test," Maureen asked.

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