A Valkyrie?

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As we lived a luxurious life in Sakaar, life had other plans and so did Thor. He and Hulk went missing, The Grandmaster was pissed of and ordered us to bring back his champion to him. Did I mention he send us another trouble? No, I probably didn't, well, not a trouble if you're friends with her.

"What have you done!" Loki sighed as Scraper 142 and I walked.

"I don't answer to you, Laki." she said.

"It's Loki!" he held her hand, she looked him in anger "And you will answer to the Grandmaster."

"Why don't we just talk?" I suggested.

"Talk? It's for mortal, love." he smiled at me but got punched by Scraper 142.

"Saw it coming!" I said.

They got into a fight, he conjured daggers and fought with grace. She on the other hand smoothly blocked him. Their arms locked "You're a Valkyrie?" he asked in an astonishing voice.

"I thought the had all died gruesome deaths." he said as she pinned him to the ground.

"Choose your next words wisely." she roared.

"I'm terribly sorry. Must be a very painful memory." he smirked and held his hand to her forehead. He looked at me as though he had seen a big battle. Valkyrie pinned him to ground and knocked him out.

"You are his wife? I heard the old man." she asked me as she stood up.

"I am." I replied.

"You didn't stop me, why?" she asked.

"He is a bit irritating sometimes and I like to save my energy." I told her, "Anyways, you gotta help me pick him up." I didn't want her to know about my magic yet.


"So, just tying him up? Nothing else?" I asked.

"This can hold him" she said "What's your name, sweetie?" 

"Bellatrix," I replied, I used my fake name in Sakaar, only the brothers knew my real name. "What's yours?" I asked but saw a change of expression on her face. She whispered something but it was inaudible "Pardon me, but I don't understand."

"It's-" she looked at Loki, checking if he is awake "Brunnhilde!" she finally spoke.

"That is a great name with such a good meaning. Why are you so uncomfortable about it?" I beamed.

"You are interesting! Who are-I mean what are you? Asgardian? Vanir? Midgardian?" 

"I am from what you call Midgard." I said.

"Midgard? You are from Terra? I haven't seen anyone from Terra in Sakaar." her expressions quickly changed as if she was inquiring me, "When did you both meet?" she asked me intimidatingly.

"We met when he visited Earth." I told her the truth but of course hid some parts.

"When did you both married each other?" 

"Not a long time ago." I replied casually.

She passed me a bottle "Here! Enjoy! I'll get the prince." she mocked and left the place.

"It's just you and me and me and you" I turned to him "and this sharpie!" I conjured a marker and walked to him with a drink in my hand.


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