Her Majesty

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(Back to Y/N's POV)

The sky was covered with black clouds. I could sense a mixture of chaos and dark magic around me and "Runes! Clever!". I knew I'd be in trouble if I use my magic so I took out a dagger from my boot. I held it in a defensive position and walked towards a place I could see smoke coming from. "Someone must be there." I wondered.

I got to the place and observed the surroundings, it was a small town filled with huts and yes, spooky vibes. I saw a drunkard, he had long beard and long white hair. He was holding a bottle of rum and walked in a very wacky style. I thought to grab his attention by calling him but he noticed my presence. He saw me and his eyes went wide, he ran after making a weird squeaky noise. I stood there wondering what happened till I saw someone who looked very familiar to a person Loki described in the past, "Malekith?" I guessed his name, he heard me and charged at me with a sword which he took out from his back. I scoffed, "Really?" I stopped the sword before it could hit me with my bare hands. "Rude! Are you going to take this back or can I keep it?" I asked. 

He said something in his own language, his eyes went wide too. He left his sword and left. He entered a hut near so I ran behind him. As I entered the hut, I was cornered by a bunch of people holding different weapons. I noticed one to be Necrosword. "How the hell do you have this?" I asked, I looked up to see Hela, next to her was Malekith, then another familiar face I tried to remember his name, 'Yeah! Shuri's cousin, Killmonger. 

"It's been mine for ages. Who are you?" asked Hela.

"I am just a visitor." I said, "I want to escape this universe, can you help me out?"

Hela scoffed, then smiled. "Leave her. She's harmless." she backed off and so did everybody else. 

"You've got no idea, darling." I smiled at her statement.

"Thinking of leaving this universe is pure foolishness. Hence, you're harmless." she sneered.

"Why?" I asked as I straighten myself.

"Who's going to let you?" she asked.

"Who's going to stop me?" I inquired. Another man laughed, his voice was deep but recognisable, "Thanos?" 

"You know me?" he asked.

"I've killed you twice in my universe." I said proudly.

His expressions changed, "You remind me of my youth. When I tried to rebel against-" he hesitated, "her majesty."

"Her majesty?" I asked curiously.

"She's the head of this-whole universe." explained Hela.

"The-the universe?" I trembled to ask, "Ok," I shushed myself.

"I reacted the same way." commented Killmonger.

"I urgently need to leave this place. I know you are the bad guys but I desperately need your help." I requested.

Malekith whispered something in Hela's ear, she gave him a look and turned to me. "Even if we try to help you. He won't-" Malekith interrupted Hela and whispered something in her ears, she kicked him in anger, "Where was I? Yeah! We can help you but our head won't."

"I am expert in manipu-persuing people. Who is your leader?" I asked.

"Loki Friggason!" she answered.

I smiled as I realised, "No need to worry. When it comes to him I am an expert."


Hela, Killmonger and Thanos assisted me as we entered a bigger hut. It was better than the rest but it still had flaws. Malekith wasn't with us because he was still unconscious by Hela's kick. The room was slowly turning golden when I stepped in more and more. I sensed it to be an illusion. 

"Who am I looking at, Stevens?" asked their Loki, he was covered in a golden armour. I observed him with a smile, he saw me smiling and smirked back.

"She claims to have the solution to our problem, sir." Killmonger answered.

"Why do you need a solution? There's no problem." he said.

"In my universe, this is called gaslighting, sugar." I finally spoke, Killmonger tried to stop me but I came out of his grip. "Oh let me speak! So, I offer you anything you want but in return you need to help me getting out of this universe."

"If you claim to offer me anything, why don't you do that yourself? Leave this universe, huh?" he sneered, "I am helping no one leave this place. It's a strict order of Her Majesty and we do not break her orders." 

"I know damn well that she'll come here if I use just tiny bit of magic, don't force me to. Your expressions explain how much you don't want to face 'her'  wrath." I stated, everyone's expression changed, I smiled. "Scared? You are so scared of her, you don't even know who you are with." I looked at everyone.

"Who are you?" asked Loki.

"I am not a queen. I am not a monster. I am an abomination but also a saviour. An incarnation of Goddess Hecate herself. I am a Goddess." I stated.

"She-she can save us. She can give us our freedom back." Hela turned to Loki, "Let's give her a chance, please." I was shocked at this universe's Hela but it was just another universe filled with weirdness.

"I'll help you. What do you want?" Loki agreed.

"Just her name, her powers and her whereabouts." I said.

"She's the Scarlet Witch, her name explains her powers well and she lives in her castle. The Blood Fortress, painted with her enemies' blood." Loki told me.

"Another Scarlet Witch ruining my day." I sighed.


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