Fury's call

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The doorbell rang. I cursed under my breath, "I just sat down!". I slowly walked to the door, I didn't want to use magic because I was too tired.

"May?" I said in a sore voice.

"Yes, Hi." She said, she was dressed up and so was Peter behind her.

"You are going somewhere?" I asked.

"It's about that. I told Peter to tell you to come for a small party but he was too embarrassed to tell you." Her body language changed as I wondered what kind of party she was talking about.

"A party is a nice and refreshing idea!" I lied, I hated parties. "What kind of party?" I asked.

"A homeless support shelter at Urban Sports & Cultural Center. I host small events every year there and I wanted a special appearance. Now, who doesn't want 3 superheroes in a party together?" She laughed.

"I am sorry, three?" I asked.

"Loki is invited too." She said.

"I love parties! Drinks all around!" He came out of nowhere.

"I-I-I have to think about it." I said.

"No need to think. We are coming." Loki said as I internally frowned.

"Great! The party starts in half an hour and your entry is just before the dinner so two hours." May cheered.

"I hope we are not irritating you." Peter whispered to me and Loki as May left.

"No, you aren't, dearie." I said and closed the door.

"Should I wear a Midgardian suit or an Asgardian Armor?" Loki asked.

"I don't want to go." I said.

"Oh!" He pouted, "We'll cancel. I'll make you something." He said, "Do you want to talk? Is something wrong?" He asked.

"It's not that. I just wanted rest. Fury's been calling me and I just wanted to-um-I don't know, sleep. But let's leave it." I sighed, "I gave my word. I'll freshen up and I guess I have to make me a new mask."

"Sorry to not let you speak." Loki apologised.

"It's fine. You don't need to apologise." I said.


"If the aliens come back, what are you gonna do?" An interviewer asked.

"Does anyone have any neighborhood questions?" Peter asked him back. He was in his Iron Spider suit. "The neighborhood is my expertise but if you want to ask questions related to Global crises you can ask-her." He said.

"Yes. We don't yet know your name. Do you want to keep your Identity a secret?"

"What's your superhero name?"

"Where are you from?"

"Are you single?"

"What can you do?"

"How old are you? We can see Spiderman must be in his twenties."

"Can we stop?" I said, "Thank you. I really don't have a superhero name and I wasn't even planning to have one but I guess I need one now. Well, for my powers, I have magic. It's a bit different to Wanda Maximoff but it's also slightly same. I can fly and I barely age."

"So, you live here in America?"

"I can't reveal where but I live in America."

"Next question is for Mr. Loki. How will you explain your actions that you made in 2012 when you destroyed New York?"

"First, I would like to comment," Loki started, "very offense question. We discussed about this few months back when we saved the world, sorry! Let me correct myself, the universe. I am Loki, Prince of Asgard and I announce that I am no harm to people here."

"Thank-thank you." The rude reported kept quiet.

After the interview, I went backstage along with Peter and Loki.

"Dude, that was sick!" Peter said.

"Indeed." Loki agreed.

"Hey, Y/N!" I turned around and saw Happy.

"Happy, what are you doing here?" I asked and Peter did the same but I was excited and he was not.

"It's nothing." Happy looked at May.

"Happy!" May came and hugged him.

"Cool!" I mumbled and Peter frowned as he heard me.

"Oh yes! Fury called and asked if you were ignoring his calls." Happy said to Peter.

"I was ignoring his calls." Peter said and Loki chuckled.

"Peter," Happy said in disbelief "there is only one person alive who has ignored Fury's call and it's Stark. You just became the second person to do so."

"Classic Tony!" I added, "Well, Fury called me too but I was busy."

"Sometimes I wonder if you are Tony's long lost sister." Happy said.

"It would be nice. I'd be rich." I laughed.


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