I have her

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(Third person view)

Loki, Thor, Rocket Raccoon and Groot were in a ship to Nidavellir, where the forges had gone frozen and dark.

"This is the birthplace of my hammer, it's truly awesome." Thor said.

"I am Groot." Groot said his usual three words.

"She is my-wife." Loki replied.

"You speak Groot?" asked Rocket.

"We learnt it in Asgard." Thor said.

After a minute of silence Rocket sighed "Ok, time to be the captain." he walked up to a desk.

"You married her? When?" Thor asked Loki.

"Just before Thanos' attack." Loki replied.

"Yeah. You must have give her some ring, where did you get that?"

"Can you stop asking questions?" he sighed then continued "I gave her mother's ring, I kind of stole it from the royal possessions but we are kind of courting too, it's very complicated."


"So dead best friend, huh?" asked Rocket, still searching for something.

"I knew him since my childhood, he was Asgard's gatekeeper. Stabbed through the heart." Thor said, staring into nothing.

"You said your sister and dad?"

"Both dead." Loki replied.

"Gotta a mom though?"

"Killed by a dark elf."


"I dum-she dumped me."

"You both sure, you up to this mission?"

"Absolutely, a rage and a vengeance anger, loss, regret all tremendous motivators, I am good to go." Thor smiled in pain.

"I have her." Loki said.

"But she said that she can't die." Rocket pointed out.

"I can, I have her and Thor. Something to live for."

"Well, if fate wants you both to kill Thanos, your brother is gonna need more than one eye." Rocket handed Thor an eyeball.

"What's this?" Thor asked.

"What does it look like?" mocked Loki.

"Some jerk lost a bet." Rocket flew the ship.

"He gave you his eye?" Thor asked.

"Nah! He gave me hundred credits, I later stole this in the night." Rocket said "You might not like it, cover ya face."

"Trust me, I have plucked out someone's eye." Loki said.

Thor, without flinching, started putting the eyeball in his eye socket. "The only way I could sneak it of contracts because it was up my-" the ship started to beep.

"Gross!" Loki said.

"You find that gross? What about killing a man?"

"That's different."

"I am Groot." Groot alerted them reaching Nidaviller.

"I don't think it works, everything is dark." Thor said blinking aggressively.

"That ain't the eye."


"There is too many of them!" yelled Banner from the Hulkbuster.

Before anything else could happen, there was a bright cylindrical light force hitting the battlefield of Wakanda. Those who didn't knew were confused of course but those who knew were cheering.

Combined with ice swirling around it, the Stormbreaker hit as many enemies as it could, it then came back to rest in the hands of Thor, his eyes were glowing beside him was Loki, his eyes red when using his powers and beside them were Groot and Rocket holding his guns.

Natasha gave them a her usual side tilt look, Rogers smirked and Banner laughed "You all are doomed now!"

"Bring. Me. Thanos!" Thor yelled and flew to the opening of the shield of Wakanda and attacked the enemies with his lighting.

Loki blasted everyone with ice and snow, he saw some Outriders crawling all of Rogers and stabbed them with icicles.

"I heard you are good these days?" Rogers asked.

"It varies from moment to moment." he smiled.


"Got a haircut?" Rogers asked.

"Noticed you copied my beard." Thor said. Groot grew his arm and stabbed the enemies "Oh, by the way this is my friend tree."

"I am Groot." 

"I am Steve Rogers." Rogers said.

"He said you to focus on the fight." Loki killed the Outrider beside Rogers.

"But he said his name." Rogers asked.

"It's complicated." Loki sighed "Where's Barton?"


"Guys! We got a Vision situation here." Wilson alerted.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Captain ordered.

And then everything happened which everyone feared....The Snap!


This chapter is a very small synopsis of what happened in The Battle of Wakanda.

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