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I wondered how Bucky convinced me to help him free Zemo. I teleported to Berlin and entered the correction prison and was greeted by the chaotic duo.

"Now, tell me why do you want to free-him?" I asked.

"There's a problem. Can't talk about it here." Sam said.

"Quelqu'un a recréé le sérum de super soldat. je pense qu'il peut aider" Bucky said. (Someone recreated the super soldier serum. I think he can help.)

"That's bad." I commented.

"You know French?" asked Sam.

"I was bored in my orphanage. It was either bullying kids or do something productive." I replied. That was the last time I did something productive.

"What is the plan?" he asked.

"I've seen the insides of the prison. The plan's simple, follow me." I said.


Sam complaint about not being the part of the plan as Bucky and I talked in French in front the German guards, I sneakily pick pocketed a guard's key card. "Guys! You always do this to me." Sam frowned as we left his sight.

"Quick check- meeting him once again pretending to say goodbye, starting a fight in the prison and turning of the alarms." I said in French.

"Yes." Bucky said.

As we walked in the prison hallway, I saw many faces of big dangerous criminal. Banging the prison walls in rage and then there was Zemo sitting silently in the dark. "Y/N Callisto, the celebrity, why are you here to see me?" 

"We were leaving and decided to say good bye. I brought you a gift." I said.

"Where is it? I don't see anything." he asked.

"It's lying on your table." he turned around to see a book, he opened it and saw the key card.

"Nice book." he said and we left.

 We started a prison riot to allow for Zemo's escape. I passed a chit to a prisoner saying that his enemy will kill him in the night and Bucky did the same. We went outside to see Sam still frowning at us. 

"Can we now-"

"We have a place to visit!" I interrupted.

We drove to a near-by garage. After Sam questioned what happened in the cell, Bucky told him in an indirect way that he had started a prison riot to allow for Zemo's escape. 

"Sam, calm down! Let's just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?" I calmed him down.

"What did you do?" Sam asked.

"Nothing." I replied. "We didn't do anything!" Bucky answered.

"I was a psychology student. The weakest point in any system isn't the software, it's the hardware." I explained.

"The meatware." Bucky added as Sam rolled his eyes, "Here, if two prisoners start fighting, the protocol says four guards have to respond."

"So, why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at the moment?" Sam asked.

"Who knows? There could be many reasons..." I replied smirking.

"That damn smile is suspicious, ok?" Sam said.

"But, the point is if things escalate. Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated and with all those bodies flying....wouldn't be hard to slip a hallway or two." Bucky continued.

"And, if the fire alarm is tripped, someone could use the chaos to their advantage." I finished.

"Why are you two so casual about this?......Where are we?" Sam panicked. When Sam figured that out and saw Zemo walking into the room, he got upset with us. 

"I mean, you knew this would happen, right?" I said, Sam glared at me, "Don't blame me!"

"I thought you'd help us drop Zemo's charges." Sam argued.

"That's a stupid expectation, Sam. Not even Matt Murdock can do that." I said.

"How did you even do this?" he asked.

"Experience!" I replied, which reminded me of my time in prison.

"You've been to prison, m'lady?" asked Zemo.

"Shut up!" I glared at him.

"When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you backed him. You broke the law and stuck your neck out for me, I am asking you to do it again." Bucky convinced Sam.

"Ok, if we do this, you don't make a move without our permission." Sam warned Zemo.

"Fair!" Zemo agreed.

"Where do we start?" I asked Zemo to which he smiled.


"So, all this time you've been rich?" asked Sam, fascinated by all the cars and the planes.

"I am a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until friends destroyed my country." Zemo replied.

Zemo and the old man waiting for us greeted each other by kissing each other's cheeks. Sam mocked Zemo, making him laughing.

"You don't know what it's like to be locked in a cell...Oh! That's right, you two do." Zemo pointed to me and Sam.

"Why don't you tell us where we are going?" Sam asked.

"I am sorry, I was fascinated by this brooch. It's so ancient and beautiful." I noticed my pocket was empty where I kept Agatha's brooch. "Does this belong to you?" Zemo asked me.

"How dare you?" I chocked his neck with my psionic power. 

"Y/N!" Bucky stopped me.

Zemo grunted as he adjusted his collar and took out a book. "Who is Nakajima?" 

Bucky got up and held Zemo by his collar, "Sorry, Y/N. I stopped you." he said and then glared back at Zemo, "If you that again, I'll kill you." Bucky took back his notebook.

 Zemo apologized, noting that he understood that it was a list of names of the people he had wronged as the Winter Soldier, while Bucky warned Zemo not to push his luck any more. I ignored them and check my phone for any sign of Loki, he didn't even read my text. Unknowingly, I sighed heavily. 

"He's not replying?" Bucky whispered. 

"He didn't even read my text." I whispered back.

"What's up with Madripoor? You guys talk about it like it's Skull Island." Sam asked.

"It's a lawless place in Indonesia. The best place for every illegal activity." I said.

"How do you know about it? It is a very secretive place." Zemo asked.

"Experience, once again." I replied awkwardly. 

"James, you will have to be someone that you claim to be gone." Zemo's words haunted Bucky.

"What's my character? Everyone knows I am Y/N Callisto." I asked.

"You'll know soon." Zemo smiled wickedly.


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