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"I really need do disguise myself to drop you to the airport. I didn't expect that when we start the relationship." Loki said. He was in disguise because MEDIA.

 He was in disguise because MEDIA

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"I asked you to join me." He frowned when I started, "Yeah, in disguise but we could, you know, spend time together."

"I have a important meeting. With my kingdom, Val called and she said she has a surprise so it's either she found out that I was the one who dyed her Pegasus' hair purple or something not so important." Loki said.

"Why didn't she call me?" I wondered.

"Maybe because I told everyone to leave you alone because I wanted you to enjoy your trip." He smiled innocently.

"That's sweet but what if something important happens? I have to come back and-"

"You really think a lot. Go, Y/N. Enjoy!" He said, "And please keep an eye on that new English teacher. He gives me bad vibes."

"Wow! You really learnt our ways! Vibes? Really?" I smiled.

"Bye." We greeted eachother and I left.

I waited for the boarding along with Harrington and my class. When we were in the plane, I took the responsibility to help children find their seat as I was the only person who could handle them.

I saw Flash asking for a drink, the one not for his age. Everyone was seated so I walked to him and the Air hostess.

"What are you drinking?" I asked him.

"I-I-Nothing!" He lied.

"Hey, don't be shy. Tell me." I asked him.

"Well, it's surprising to see you supporting me." He said.

"My my! Don't say that! I am your teacher, I'll help you." I said.

"I want a red wine." He finally said.

"You heard the kid." I said the air hostess.

She handed Flash the wine. "Thank you, Ms. Callisto." Flash thanked me.

"Nonsense! Thank you, Flash." I took the glass from his hand and walked to my seat.


"You are sixteen, I am helping you. I am your teacher." I said.

It wasn't such a big flight. Peter was sitting between me and Harrington, I wonder what he did as I was busy making plans for the trip.

"Then my wife blipped, she actually didn't. She left me with her hiking group, hard times!" Harrington told Peter his story but Peter wasn't listing.

"I think you should let him sleep, Mr. Harrington. The students won't get rest tomorrow, it's a busy day, anyway." I interrupted.


"Why is he taking so much time?" I heard Flash's voice. He sounded desperate to visit the washroom.

"What's the problem?" I walked to his seat.

He frowned at my sight, "Peter is taking time."

"I'll help ya." I said, I saw MJ sitting in the front. "MJ, can you ask Peter how much time he'll take?" She nodded and did so.

She returned, "He looks like he's nauseous."


"He opened the door, saw me and closed it." She replied.

"That's weird!" I commented.

"He's a weirdo, anyway. I want to visit the washroom." Flash wined.

The door opened and Peter frowned when he saw Flash in front of the door.


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