Kick names! Take ass!

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"Are you yawning?" Stark saw Drax yawning after he told his brilliant plan to everyone, to be honest, I was never paying attention.

Peter raised his hand "You don't need to raise your hand." Quill said.

"What exactly is that they do?" he asked.

"Kick names! Take ass!" Mantis hissed. I was taken back.

I saw a look of high disappointment on Stark's face "Mr. Lord, can you please get your folks to circle up?"

"Star Lord is fine." Quill corrected.

"Ma'am, can we please talk?" Peter asked me.

"Don't call me ma'am outside the school." I said.

"You were gone for a year and half, I went to Mr. Stark for help and we searched everywhere. Your apartment was left untouched and it was clean, like you never left it but there wasn't a sign of you. Mr. Stark even used his technology to search for you but you weren't there. What happened?" he asked, tearing up in the last part.

"Oh Peter!" I hugged him "I met Loki and Thor then we fought with their sister-"

"They have a sister?" he rubbed his eyes.

"Yes and don't rub your eyes. I was trapped in a planet named Sakaar, we met Dr. Banner and then escaped that hell. We fought Hela, their sister again in Asgard, we had to destroy that place and finally when I was having peace and coming back to home, Thanos attacked us."

"Were they with you?" he pointed towards the Guardians.

"We met later." I finished "What all happened while I was gone? To me it was just a month, time works differently everywhere."

"Nothing special but do you remember the man in a black cat suit from the airport fight?"

"I do."

"He is the king of Wakanda and he revealed that their country has the best technology. They even opened their gates."

"That's cool!"

"Excuse me, but does your friend often do that?" Mantis interrupted.

We saw Strange doing something strange "Strange, you alright?" Stark asked.

Strange fell "I was seeing possible outcomes and futures of the coming battle."

"How many did you see?" asked Quill.


"How many we win?" I asked.

Strange looked at me and said "One."

"Brilliant!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Mantis said.

"I am not worrying. That wanker is coming here and he doesn't know that we know he is coming. He's expecting Strange to be here." I said.

"What're you saying?" asked Drax.

 Explaining them was harder than fighting the grape "We can have a surprise attack. Strange said there are 14,000,600 possible outcomes-"


"Don't interrupt me! As I was saying, there are a lot of possible outcome and only one where we win, why not try to make this that one outcome. See, I am no expert in giving motivational speeches, might've to call Captain America for that but if we surprise attack that lil bitch, we may win." 

"Yes, let's kill that son of a bitch." Quill said.

"Let's defeat him!" 


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