It's hero time!

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A week passed after Natasha's death. We were trying not to cry, at least, not in front of each other but we all knew that we miss her. The science dudes were in the lab, assembling the gauntlet. To catch up with the present, I read newspapers. Basically, I scanned them with my powers. I sensed Tony remembering me, I teleported behind him.

"Yes?" I asked, scaring him, Rocket, and Hulk. 

"Jeez! Calm down, Wednesday!" he said.

"Why did you remember me?" I asked again.

"I didn't even-nevermind! We needed you to use your magic." Tony said.

"I will be needing more information." 

"We successfully have assembled the gauntlet but The Soul Stone isn't moving, I mean when we use our machines, tools-um-it's just stuck in air." Hulk explained.

"I'll try." I agreed, "Get back everyone."

"Is there something wrong?" Steve entered.

"No, they just needed my help." I said, "Steve, I think you should get back."

I easily levitated the stone with my magic. I placed it on the gauntlet but then it wasn't going. 

"Try pressing it harder." Rocket suggested.

"Yeah." I did so but no change. "Screw it!" I said and used my hand to press it down.

"Y/N! It could be dangerous!" Steve scolded me.

"Chill! Nothing happened-" I felt dizzy again.

"Y/N?" Steve called my name.

"I-am-fine" My eyes were black again as I stumbled and fell, Steve caught me.


"Steve, I said I am fine." I said again and opened my eyes. I saw that I wasn't in the lab but an open area, it had orange sky and everything looked dull.

"Steve? No, I'm Loki. Y/N?" I saw Loki.


"This is Soul World. Don't ask me how I know." he said.

"Where are others?" I asked, "And how are you? Do you have any idea how much I missed you?"

"I am not dead exactly, nor are others. But-"

"But what?"

"I saw Natasha a second before you arrived. Which means she is dead."

"Yes, she died a week back."

"A week back?" he muttered something to himself, "How much time has passed since-um-you know?"

"Five years and two weeks." I replied.

"Oh no!"

"But it's ok, we all are trying. You all will be back soon, maybe in a sec for you all."

"That's good but there's something I want to tell you-"

'Y/N? Y/N? Y/N?' 

I gasped for air as I woke up in Steve's arms. "They all are alive and well!" I announced.

"How do you know?" asked Nebula.

I noticed the whole team surrounding me and Steve. I got up and started, "They all are alive inside that bloody stone, the Soul Stone. I went to Soul World for a minute and I met Loki, he told me that they aren't dead, its just that they are in that dimension with their-um-meat suit."

"You mean body?" asked Tony.

"Call it you want." I said.

"So, why did we even collect all the stones. We could just break the soul stone and the-" 

"No, Lang. It doesn't work like that. The Infinity Stones should be used together for things like this to happen. Soul stone is for of one's soul, Power is for the mass number of people being transported together, Space for teleporting them to the Soul World, Time is for doing the work at one time and Mind is basically for managing all this, that's the reason they are called Infinity Stones." I explained.

"Well, it's good that we have more knowledge about these stones." Tony said, "Freshen up, Y/N. You were gone for an hour."


"Alright, the glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" asked Rocket.

"I'll do it." Thor volunteered.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Thor, we haven't decided yet who's gonna put that. Just wait!" Steve stopped.

"I'm sorry, what, we're just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" asked Thor.

"At least, discuss it." Lang said.

"I'm the strongest Avenger. The responsibility falls on me. It's my duty!" Thor negotiated.

"It's not that-"

"It is-Stop it. Just let me! Just lemme do something-something good-something great!" Thor's voice break.

"You're in no good condition." I explained to him. 

"I can do it! I am in good condition. What do you think is coursing in my veins?" Thor protested.

"I don't know, cholesterol?" I shushed him.

"No, lightning!" he answered.

"Yeah." Tony sighed.

"Lightning won't help you, pal. Its gotta be me." Hulk said, hearing this Thor stopped.

"How are you sure you will survive? Let me do it, at least I'll survive." I said.

"Don't do anything else, you are already weak right now. And about surviving this, I don't know but-the radiation is mostly gamma. Its like uh-I was made for this." Hulk picked up the glove.

"Good to go, yeah?" Tony asked Hulk.

"Yeah." he said.

"You remember- everyone Thanos snapped five years ago, just bring them back to now, today. Don't change anything from last five years." Tony instructed him.

"Got it!" Hulk nodded.

"Everyone suit up! FRIDAY, sweetheart you know what to do." 

"Yes, boss." FRIDAY said.

When Hulk put the glove on, it expanded. The energy flowed through the glove and through his arm. He grunted in pain.

"Take it off! Take it off!" Thor panicked.

"No, wait, Bruce, are you ok?" asked Steve.

"Talk to me, Banner." Tony said to Hulk.

"I am ok, I am ok!" Hulk said.

It was a tense moment, I put more energy to my shield covering Clint behind me. Hulk fought the pain in him and snapped, he then fainted. The glove fell of his hand and Clint kick it away.

"Don't move him! Wait!" I rushed to Hulk.

"Did it work?" he asked Steve slowly opening his eyes.

"It's worth a shot. It's over." Thor said.

I covered Hulk's arm in snow, not in a large amount, just to help the burn. I heard birds chirping and Lang yelled "Guys...I think it worked!"

"I'll bring some medic." I said and walked to the exit, I saw Clint getting a call from his wife. He was happy and in tears, he looked at me smiling but then the smile wiped.

There was an explosion in the compound. Missiles dropped to destroy our compound. And there he was-



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