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Back at the safe house, Bucky was upset about loosing Karli again and Sam was on his laptop while Zemo rested, John had thrown the shield at him. I was sitting on the counter of the bar still lost in my thoughts, I wondered how I got back here with them. Did anyone carry me? I don't remember. Were they annoyed by me suddenly zoning out? I guess so.

"Were you offered it" Zemo asked, snapping me back to reality.

"What?" Sam questioned.

"The serum." Zemo explained.

"No." Sam replied firmly.

"If you had been, hypothetically, that is, would you?" Zemo asked again.

"No." Sam repeated.

"Impressive! No hesitation." Zemo said. "Which reminds me of," he turned to me "Y/N! Why didn't you punch John when you had the chance to? He literally insulted you." 

"I am the owner of me, I decide what should I do and when." I replied and shifted my eyes from him.

"I wonder how did I miss you in 2016. I searched for every single super-" Bucky glared at Zemo, he shut up.

"I don't answer to you." I stormed in my room.

Bucky shortly entered carrying two drinks, "You know, if it's about past and-stuff, I am an expert in that department." 

I sighed, I turned to him. "Bucky, you didn't have a choice but I had. Our cases are totally different, I was-guilty. For what I have done, I AM guilty!" 

"I used to blame myself too, Y/N. Trust me when I say this, whatever you did, you mustn't have a choice. And it's fine! Mistakes happen!" he said. I felt that the words he said to me were the exact words he wanted someone to say to him. I nodded. "Go ahead. I'm listening."

"I told you about my orphanage and Agatha adopting me story. Well, this happened when I was still living in Agatha's house." I started. "It was a few weeks before my 18th birthday, Jessica, my friend, she introduced me to her new boyfriend. He was much older than her, maybe in his early 30s, Thomas was his name. I told her it's not good to date an adult while still being 17 but she was madly in love with him. I never liked Thomas but the feeling wasn't mutual, he was obsessed with me. He started ignoring Jessica and one day, he followed me home. Agatha was out for a few days so I was scared to live alone, he knew it and took advantage of the situation. He knocked on the door pretending to be hurt, so, out of humanity, I opened the door. But he-he-" my voice broke and I held my head.

"What a disgusting man!" Bucky kept his hand on my shoulder.

"He took advantage of me, I tried to dress his wounds but he touched- I pushed him back and he fell of his chair. He knew his disgusting face was out and he had to 'end' me to save his relationship with Jessica. He hit me with a vase but the barbarian inside him wasn't satisfied. I somehow managed to run to my bedroom and he was locked out. I called the cops, then Jessica. She didn't believe me, she was living in the next building so she arrived fast. She tried to stop Thomas, saying he had nothing to do with me and he was Jessica's. He managed to manipulate her and they both tried to open the bedroom door. 

Gathering up courage, I-I blasted the door with a small psionic blast, just to back em' off and escape. I had no intention-to kill Jessica-I just wanted her to see Thomas's real face, I wanted her to see his real colours, the face he was hiding from her. Maybe the energy and emotions were so strong that my thought turned into a reality and his face's skin dissolved, blood dripped and he cried in pain, he screamed. His body rose and his bones broke, the police sirens helped me snap out of my thought and Thomas fell from the balcony, he landed on the police car, alive. Jessica was already dead." I completed.

"It's not your fault. That monster triggered your magic, you were young. How could one handle such powers?" he said.

I hugged him, "Thank you for understanding me!" 

"I could say that to you." he smiled.

"Alright! That's it! Let's go. I'm now ordering you to turn him over." John barged in with Lemar and his loud annoying voice was heard even inside my room.

"You can take your revenge." Bucky suggested, "I am not saying you should punch him and kick him in the-" he lifted his hands up, "but I am also not saying that you shouldn't!" he grinned and went out.

" Bucky suggested, "I am not saying you should punch him and kick him in the-" he lifted his hands up, "but I am also not saying that you shouldn't!" he grinned and went out

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"Let's kick some ass!" I smirked and opened the door.


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