Who am I?

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 Now utilizing and embracing her magic, Wanda fought a few soldiers of SWORD. I told her kids to face them while Wanda and I followed Agatha to a building's top. Using our mental manipulation powers, we confronted Agatha s at the scene of her trial. 

"No! No!" Agatha realized her surroundings.

"This is the difference between you and me, you did this on purpose." Wanda pointed at the corpses of the witches.

"No! No! I beg you!" she cried but soon smiled.

"You are the Scarlet Witch!" a dead witch pointed her finger at Wanda.

"I told you so." Agatha said.

The plan backfired and Agatha freed herself from the ties. I pushed Agatha out of the dream and we flew up to the sky. We prayed for our plan to work as Agatha once again asked for our power.

We pretended to give Agatha what she wanted, "Take it! I don't want it!" Wanda hit her with her magic and Agatha absorbed it.

"Yes! I want more!" Agatha celebrated and I blasted her with more of my magic.

I secretly began casting runes around the walls of the Hex to neutralize Agatha's magic. Having appeared to have had all her magic stolen, Wanda floated in the sky, with her entire body drained and I pretended 

"About our deal. Once a spell is cast it can't be undone. Your hex will be broken just like," Agatha smiled at Wanda's drained body. "you."

I began to laugh, Agatha was curious about my behavior. "You really think that you win? You poor, simple fool. Thinking you could defeat us. Me, the mistress of all evil and Wanda, The Scarlet Witch! Valiant effort, but you never stood a chance. You see, I am not a queen or a monster. I'm a Goddess, bitch!" 

"You don't need to tell me who I am. I am the Scarlet Witch!" Wanda stopped her deception as I revealed that I cast runes around the Hex.

"How the hell will she use her magic?" Agatha scoffed.

"You forgot? I am Goddess, I decide whatever happens." I taunted.

Wanda reclaimed her magic from Agatha and left Agatha for me to finish. I took back my magic and soaked Agatha's as well. Wanda transformed into the Scarlet Witch.

 Wanda transformed into the Scarlet Witch

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"You don't know what've done

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"You don't know what've done. You don't know what you've unleashed." Agatha trembled.

 Wanda removed the dark storm clouds allowing the sunshine to reappear. Returning to the ground, I saw Sword guards waiting for us. "So what now?" even after losing her powers Agatha didn't lose her arrogance.

"I'll give you the role you wanted," Wanda said, "but before that, you need to answer my friend." 

"You are going to need me." Agatha got up and I tied her hands with magic chains.

"They'll never know what you sacrificed for them." I thanked Wanda.

"It wouldn't change how they see me. I wonder how they accepted you, Y/N. You are lucky." she said.

"I am a coward, Wanda. I run from my problems and that's not what heroes do." I told her.

"What are we?" she asked.

"Anti-hero. It's exactly like a regular hero, except way cooler. we make up our own rules, and then break 'em." I replied.

"Yeah, that sounds a lot like a villain." she smiled.

"But cooler." I left with Agatha.


"We've got like two hours, one question and you will answer it or else I'll trap you in the mirror dimension forever," I warned Agatha as I tied her to the chair, "without your powers."

"Whatever!" she rolled her eyes.

"Who am I?" I asked.

"Y/N Callisto." she laughed but stopped when she saw my serious face, "You are an abomination but also the savior. When I saw you first, it was difficult to understand your energy cause you were not even of this world and you still aren't. You don't belong here. I saw you and I regretted leaving you at the-" she paused.

"Finish the sentence." I said with tears in my eyes, tears of realization. "Finish the bloody sentence!" 

"I regretted leaving you at that orphanage. I never wanted a child! Then you showed up and I lost my powers because you were born." she sobbed lightly. "When I sensed the same energy in London, I knew it was you. I had to be with you so I took you in. I fed on your magic and taught you to control your magic. You are an incarnation of Hecate and you can't deny it. It's your nature to destroy. Just like you killed Jessica and when you disfigured your friend, Thomas' face when he touched you, he's unlucky, he survived."

I sighed. I couldn't believe my reality. The curiosity I always had to know who my mother was, was crushed when Agatha revealed her to be my mother. I liked when she lied to me when. I accepted her to be Hereca Good and I hated her when I knew she had powers. 

'A witch like Agatha can't be my mother.' I denied but I soon accepted it after I realized what I'd become.


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