Fake Pietro

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"How dare you send a missile inside!" I argued.

"We know who we are dealing with." he entered his camp.

"Hey! There he is, the guy who almost got murdered by his own murder squad." Darcy commented.

"You work for me?" Hayward asked.

"I actually don't know." Darcy answered.

"She's with me." I said.

"And which one of you is the sassy best friend?" Hayward taunted.

"Can we not argue?" Jimmy spoke up, "You're starting a war, you can't win." he said to Hayward.

"Maximoff was never gonna negotiate with us. We take her out, this whole nightmare ends." Hayward said.

"We can't outgun her. And clearly antagonizing her is only making things worse. If Wanda is the problem, she has to be our solution." Monica rebelled.

"All the people who left, still have the luxury of optimism. You have no idea what was it like. What it took to keep those lights on!" Hayward acted sad.

"Don't use the last five years as an excuse to be a coward." Monica said and I smirked.

"Maybe, it's a good thing you weren't there when your mother died. You don't have the stomach for this job." Hayward spat out the words harshly.

"Monica, let's go. We don't have anything to do here now." I said, "Help us get our things, will you?" I asked three guards and they followed us.

"He was looking for a reason to sideline us. He's up to something." Monica said.

An announcement distracted the guards, getting an opportunity Monica and Jimmy overpowered the S.W.O.R.D. agents. "Why didn't anyone tell me the plan?" Darcy complained.

"We didn't have any." I said. 

We snuck back to the base. Darcy hacked into the database of SWORD and looked through Hayward's files. She found a section on Monica and discovered that her cells were rewritten.

"It's nothing." Monica brushed it off.

"The worst case scenario, you turn into a mutate." I pointed out.

"Here goes nothing." she said.

"I am staying here, I haven't made it through Hayward's last firewall. There's something big here, something that can help us, I know it." Darcy said.

"It's not safe, I'll be here." I joined her.

The duo left, "So, you are dating Loki?" asked Darcy.

"Who told you that?" I asked her back.

"That means yes." she smiled.

"Yes, I am but he's not here, on Earth." I said.

"My friend, Jane dated Thor." she told me.

"Yeah, Thor used to talk about her every time." We heard an alarm going off. "Hurry! Send the files to Jimmy."

"Yes, done!" we left the place.

We headed out to find out what had happened. I saw Vision pleading for help after escaping the Hex. Darcy screamed at the S.W.O.R.D. agents to help him but was promptly reprimanded by one. "Hey, help him!" I shouted and flew to him but Hayward shot me with a heavy dose of tranquilizer. "Hayward, you son of a-" I locked eyes with Vision before I passed out.


The next day, awakened in the Hex under the influence of Wanda, I found myself in a circus. I was dressed as I witch, Wanda's fashion choice was really bad cause I looked awful in the outfit.

 I was dressed as I witch, Wanda's fashion choice was really bad cause I looked awful in the outfit

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"Do you remember me from last night?" Vision appeared in front of me.

"Without context, that sounds very bad." I commented.

"We locked eyes. We had an unspoken understanding." he walked forward.

"Vision, stop!" I said, "I know you. Find Darcy." 

"Who's she?" he asked.

I sighed and pointed to Darcy when I spotted her. Vision tried to remind her of her investigation of the Maximoff Anomaly. An exasperated Vision distracted her and released her from the mind control. "Woah!" she gasped.

"I'm leaving." I flew up to find Wanda's house. I never saw the era in the show so it was confusing to find her house. I searched for a place with most of the magic. "Gotcha!"

The house I found was very different from what Wanda liked. I saw an entrance from the basement lair. "Hey!" I turned to see the 're-casted Pietro'. He tasered me.

I was left trapped by fake Pietro, who refused to let me leave. "I swear I'll kill you if you irritate me further." 

"Y/N?" Monica popped from behind.

"Oh no!" fake Pietro tried to fight us both but Monica overpowered him.

"This is not Agnes' house. It's yours, you're Ralph Boner?" she asked him to which he smirked.

"The necklace," I pointed to the beaded necklace he wore "it's enchanted." I took off the necklace.

Bohner was freed from his enthrallment, "Oh god! Please, spare my life!" he begged.

"Now, I have someone to confront." I said and looked out the window to see Wanda walking to the house door.


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