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I entered Kamar-Taj and saw preparation for a war. I wondered what I was supposed to fight, a giant? Some celestials? A dragon? A man walked to me, his head was of a bull, he brought me to Wong, who looked stressed.

"Strange, seriously? What am I supposed do now?" Wong shouted.

"You called Y/N, right? Stop worrying, we'll take care of her." I heard Strange.

"Take care of me?" I asked.

"Hello, Y/N. We were talking about..." Strange hesitated.

"Wanda Maximoff, she is going crazy." Wong said.

"Well, I am sure she has a reason. What did she do?" I asked curiously.

"You told her my hideout!" a girl around Peter's age walked in the room.

"And you are?" I asked.

"America Chavez." She answered.

" America has always been a problem for me." I sighed.

"Well, about Wanda. You remember the Westview incident?" asked Wong.

"I was there." I reminded him.

"Wanda wants her 'children' back." he said.

"But they were-" I asked.

"Yes, we know. But they do exist in the multiverse. She wants to go to a universe where her children are alive, that's what we know." Strange explained.

"That doesn't explain anything about 'her hideout'. Who is she again?" I pointed to Chavez.

"I am from another universe. I have these powers....which are triggered when I am scared so a portal opens." Chavez said.

"Lemme guess, a multiversal portal?" I questioned and she nodded. "An incursion can happen by this, do you guys have any idea how bad her presence is for out universe?" 

"Incursion won't happen, I am the only one of the multiverse. I don't dream." She said.

"You too?" I asked.

"Callisto, why on earth did you think that keeping such a big secret from us would result in something good?" inquired Strange.

"I don't know, it wasn't safe for me." I sassed.

"I came here as fast as I could." I turned back immediately as I heard the familiar voice.

"Loki?" my eyes were wide.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in concern.

"I could ask you the same." I said, "Why him?" I turned to Wong.

"Another Loki of some different universe was found dead with another Strange's corpse when America travelled through the multiverse." explained Wong.

"You have mystical powers?" I asked Loki.

"How would I know? I am a young soul." he replied.

"Wanda's coming, what is our plan?" asked Wong.

"Listen, negotiation won't work because I know Wanda. If she is doing something bad, she'll be the worst enemy you'll ever meet and I doubt that anyone would survive her. Her magic is hundred times stronger." I explained, "Attack is our only option and when she is busy, we can sneak Chavez to my house, it's protected by runes so she won't be able to fight us."

"Isn't she your best friend?" asked Loki.

"I don't mix up emotions and the right thing. I just can't." I said.

"But now that you are here, we can just you know defeat her. You'll use your powers, right?" asked Strange.

"You know that if I use my full strength, this universe would destroy. I am a Goddess for a reason." I said.

"You're a Goddess?" asked Loki.

"Well, good morning, gentleman!" Strange sassed.

"She's here! The Scarlet Witch's here!" a student alerted everyone.

"Chavez, I'll protect you." I assured her, "Stay in here with Loki."

"We need to have a talk." Loki said.

"Yes, we do, we do." I sighed and went out.

Outside the students and the masters along with some other great warriors forming a barrier to protect us from Wanda. I saw Wanda flying to us, she was in red but it was darker than the last time. Her hands were black like mine but I could sense the corruption of the Dark Hold from her face. Strange and I flew up to negotiate, even though I suggested it wouldn't work.

"All this for a child you met yesterday?" asked Wanda.

"Wanda, you are justifiably angry. You had to make terrible sacrifices." Strange said.

"I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved and it meant nothing. Do not speak to me of sacrifices, Stephen Strange. And you," she looked at me and flew forward, "I thought you'd understand, instead you joined him."

"I just came here, Wanda. I know what you are doing and I know that's not right, so, I have to stop you, Wan." I said.

"Aren't we best friends?" she lightly scoffed at the last words.

"You should've thought about it when you killed the man I loved in the universe, who knows how many times you've killed him in the multiverse. Do not speak to me of friendship, Wanda Maximoff. I have done enough to prove my friendship." I stated, "I was there for you when no one believed you so for the sake of 'our friendship'," I exhaled, "don't do this."

She didn't look affected, she spoke, "If you give me what I want, I'll send you to a world where you and Loki have a peaceful life. I can make the same offer with you, Stephen. A world where Christine still loves you." 

"The full might of Kamar-Taj stand against you."Strange said, "Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds."

"You have no idea just how reasonable I've been." Wanda grew angry.

"Yeah! Look of a damned. Calling yourself a witch. Conjuring creatures to abduct a kid. I don't exactly call that being reasonable." Strange sassed.

"Sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy. And in spite of your hypocrisies and insults, I have begged you to safely get out of my way. You have exhausted me patience. But I do hope you understand," she gritted her teeth "This is me being reasonable!" She attacked but the protective shields surrounding the perimeter blocked her. 

We then descended down to stand by Wong and the Masters. "Nailed it!" he said.

"I told you to ask questions later and attack first." I complained.

As Wanda furiously tried to break the shields, I observed her actions. I then saw that she had stopped blasting the shield and was trying to use her telepathy powers. She was able to mind control a student in removing his shield allowing for her to break inside.

Strange ordering all the to fall back

She blasted buildings and Masters aside, creating fires in the courtyards. Her blasts were strong enough to cause Strange to clutch his side. "Shield is down!" I alerted the people.

I formed one with my powers to hold her off but unlike me she didn't care for anyone and used her full strength. She continued with blasting more and more psionic bolts and I attacked her with mine and so did the members of Kamar-Taj. When I sensed us losing, I motioned Strange to get back inside and use the plan B, The Mirror Dimension.


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