Battle of Earth

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I continued to take out Thanos' army, using my powers while in flight, mainly defeating the bigger and stronger opponents. I saw Tony hugging Peter, and finally, I spotted him.

"You are having a reunion without me? Rude." I flew to them.

"Ms. Callistto!" He exclaimed. "Did you know five years passed? Like I just woke up and...damn!..Oh! Sorry, I shouldn't have said that but you know I am just confused. Doctor Strange was like "It's been five years! Let's goo.." I was still confused-"

I hugged him, "There is so much I want to tell you. And you have two important people to meet."

"One's Loki but who's the other?" Tony asked.

"Your daughter, who else?" I replied.

"You-you have a daughter?" Peter questioned Tony. "Which means you had......Oh! With Pepper..." he started squeaking. "I should leave."


"What do you want me to do with this damn thing?" Clint asked.

"Get those stones as far away as possible!" ordered Steve.

"No, we need to get them back where they came from!" Hulk protested.

"Well, the Quantum tunnel is destroyed." I pointed out.

A van's horn went off, "Anyone see an ugly brown van?" asked Steve.

I saw that van, "Yes, but you ain't gotta like where its parked." I replied.

"Scott, how long you need to get it start?" asked Tony.

"Maybe ten minutes." answered Scott.

"Go get it done. We'll get you the stones." Steve said.

The fight progressed and the nukes started after Wanda beat Thanos' ass but then Thanos' ship fired at something in the sky. It was strange for a moment but I knew what was up there.

"What the hell is this?" Sam wondered.

"FRIDAY, what are they firing at?" asked Tony.

"My wife!" I muttered.

"Y/N, why?" Loki looked at me.

Carol arrived from above and single-handedly destroyed the Sanctuary 2 , ending the airstrike and sinking the ship in the lake

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Carol arrived from above and single-handedly destroyed the Sanctuary 2 , ending the airstrike and sinking the ship in the lake. Everyone was proud to see her, she flew to Peter and I followed her.

"Hi, I am Peter Parker." Peter hugged the gauntlet to his body.

"Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" Carol took the gauntlet from him.

"I don't know, how we'll get it through all that." Peter said.

"Don't worry, she's got help." I smirked at Carol as the women joined us.

We charged at the enemies, destroying them to grounds. Carol flew with glove, past the creatures. The fight was going nice until Thanos destroyed the van. Things got worse when his hands reached the glove. I stabbed the Outrider's neck I was fighting with and ran to Thanos.

Carol arrived before me and fought with him. She stopped him from snapping and I kicked his face. She threw a power blast at his knees and I stabbed him with my Necrosword dagger but then he used the Power stone and punched Carol. I looked at Strange, he was already looking at me. He signed me 'Yes'.

 He signed me 'Yes'

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"I am Inevitable." Thanos said, nothing happened. The Nano Gauntlet in his hand turned to dust as I laughed.

I took a deep breath and removed the illusion with The Reality Stone. "I know what it's like to lose." I started, "To believe so Desperately that you were right," I walked to him and held him down with the Power stone. "only to fail Nonetheless." He got tensed up, "It's frightening, turns your legs into Jelly, and I ask you to what end. Dread it, Run from it? Destiny arrives all the same," I stabbed his foot with Necrosword "and Now it's here." I smirked at him. "I am your end!" I snapped.

Thanos watched as his people turned to dust. He tasted defeat, he saw Ebony walking to him but before he could reach him, Ebony turned to dust. Peter's Revenge. Proxima hugged her husband and stayed there as she turned to dust. Wanda's revenge. He sat on a ruin just like Tony waiting to turn to dust but unlike Tony, he died.


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