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After being 'rejected' by Beck, I was angry but we had to leave. We boarded the bus provided by the facility but I suspected the driver, my suspicions were correct because he turned out to be Fury's agent. I rolled my eyes at him as he shrugged.

The ride was long and hectic as Harrington, a wannabe cool teacher forced us to play a game of charades. Everyone was bored after a few rounds so we stopped. Busy on their phones, the students didn't give attention to Harrington. 

We arrived in Prague and re-grouped at the Carlo IV Hotel. I distributed the room keys to the students but Peter was distressed. 

"Somethin' wrong, kid?" I asked as I handed him the key card.

"Nothing happened." I sensed a lie.

"Is it illegal to be in a relationship with an adult?" Brad Davis asked, he was beside Peter. He kept his hand on Peter's shoulder and patted his back hard.

"Yes, why would you ask me that?" I questioned him.

"I was curious." he said and left with a grin.

"Is he the reason?" I asked Peter.

"Its nothing." Peter said.


'I shouldn't have come here' I thought as I entered The Opera Hall with my class and Harrington. We were supposed to go to a Light Carnival, but Fury bought us tickets for the Opera to execute his plan, when I asked him about his shitty decision he replied that he wanted us 'safe'. 

The Opera started the students left and I let them leave, 'They'll be back, I'll save them when the monster comes.' I thought. It was shocking that I stopped caring. I listened to the music playing in my earphones. I heard an explosion, the second on this week. 

"Got work now." I sighed, "Out everyone!" I yelled.

The children left the place and went to the hotel with the teachers but I stayed. I just had to slay the Molten Man and the shit would end but Mysterio had other plans. I conjured my mask so no one could recognise me, I formed a psionic blast but Beck shouted "NO!" I raised my eyebrows.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Don't! You'll ruin it!" he yelled, "Don't ruin my plan!" the Molten Man struck his back.

"I am helping you!" I said.

"I don't need helping!" he said, "Take this, drive far to your hotel." He tossed me the car keys.

"I'll remember it all too well, Beck." I left.


I was losing my temper, the feeling one feel when they realise they aren't the main character anymore. I went to the trip to refresh my mind and not to mess it up more. Beck was stealing the show and I felt weird for behaving like a teenage pick me girl, but lately, I was feeling moody. 

Harrington changed the plan, so instead of heading to Paris, we were to leave for London; back to home. It was a night off for me, we were told to rest or do anything we want to. I used this time to investigate about Beck. He told me he was from another Earth. I searched for the name 'Quentin Beck' just in case.

"Well, I'll be damned!" I looked at my laptop.


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