I won't let you go

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I couldn't accept that we lost. Drax was blaming Quill for bursting out, Stark was in his deep thoughts and I knew what he was thinking. I was relating to it, when one feels guilty for everything happening bad. Mantis, Nebula and Strange were quite.

Peter and my eyes were meeting again and again, we knew what happened wasn't just a small airport fight, it was something bigger.

I was tired of just sitting, so I decided to wander around the place, perhaps discover something to help us.

"Where are you going?" asked Mantis as I got up.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing. I'll see if something here can help us." I left.

When I saw that nobody was in view and I was far from them, I cried and screamed in a small pocket place where nobody could hear me. Screaming made me somewhat feel better but I knew that I lost and I lost the most important battle, but then I heard my name being called and I teleported back.

"What happened?" I asked and noticed a member short "Where is Mantis?"

"She just-just turned to dust." Peter said, his voice trembled.

"Quill!" Drax mumbled and we turned to him and saw him disintegrating.

"Steady Quill." Stark said to Quill who looked panicked.

"Oh man!" he disappeared.

I and the others left watched in horror as they left us "Tony, there was no other way." Strange, gone.

"Mr. Stark!" I heard Peter.

"Kid, Kid! It's going to be alright, ok? Stay with us!" I assured him, a lie though, my voice cracking slowly. My throat drying up and my eyes going wet.

"Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." he tripped as he walk to me and Stark "I don't-don't know what's happening. I-" he fell on Stark, who caught him.

"Parker no!" Stark whispered under his breath "No Peter!"

"I don't wanna go-I don't wanna go, Tony." he cried and hugged Stark, Stark lied Peter down on a flat rock.

"I won't let you go." I shed a tear, forming a small ball of healing magic in my hand. I didn't care if it would cause something bad, I didn't care If I was going to break laws of magic; I couldn't lose him too.

"Don't!" he looked at me and Stark "I am sorry, I failed you." he looked at me again "I am sorry, mom." and then he left too.

Stark touched the dust and waited himself to turn into dust but he didn't.

We watched our friends die, you might think that was the bad part but no. The worst part was I survived and even though I knew it all along that I would be the only person who would be left and everyone I would ever love would die, yet I made a mistake to make friends, a good mistake because I have good memories with them.


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