She's a monster!

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"Wanda had kids-Tommy and Billy." I wrote on the whiteboard. "What the hell is she doing?" I wondered.

"She just wants a family." Darcy chewed popcorn while watching the show.

"That doesn't mean she has the right to hostage an entire town." I argued.

"Looks like Hayward is in your head, you hated him, didn't you?" Darcy taunted.

"He has an undesirable personality." I said.

"Maybe, she doesn't know. Maybe, she isn't doing 'it' intentionally." Darcy pointed, "The was a giant storm in Queens, it was there for like five years."

"Are you saying that-" I looked at her questioning.

"I never said that." she shrugged.

I realised. 'Wanda has no one to talk to. The whole team is scattered. Her mentor, Clint is missing. Thor's off planet. Natasha-gone. I should've checked on her.' I thought.

"Did she just say the name Ultron? Has that happened before? A reference to our reality." Jimmy asked.

"Who said Ultron?" I walked to Darcy's station.

"Geraldine-I mean Monica Rambeau. We found her." Darcy explained.

 I saw Monica Rambeau and the show once again skipped ahead. We tried to figure out what happened.

 "Someone is censoring the broadcast." I deduced.  At that moment, an alert went off. I teleported us outside.

"Jeez! You could at least tell us first." Darcy exclaimed.

 It was Rambeau being ejected from Westview. "It's all Wanda." 


"I think you should take permission first." Jimmy stopped me from entering Monica's camp.

"How you feeling, Captain?" I asked Monica.

"Like myself." she let me in.

"Thank heavens for that." I said.

"Or me." Darcy whispered.

"What's the latest?" Monica asked.

"There's a briefing in ten." I said. 

"Pants are encouraged." Darcy handed her her clothes.

"Dr. Darcy Lewis, she discovered the broadcast." Jimmy introduced her.

At the briefing, Hayward inquired about information from Monica and asked her about her experience in the hex. "I felt grief, pain. I heard her speaking in my head." Monica replied.

"Great! She is now a terrorist." he said.

"Wanda's not a terrorist." I defended.

"By Monica Rambeau's account, she described the experience of being under her mind-control as 'excruciating, terrifying, a violation.'" Hayward quaked

"My point is, I don't believe she has a political agenda or any inclination toward destruction." Monica defended Wanda too.

"Knowing her history, you still support her?" Hayward asked me, "She and her brother joined HYDRA. She fought the Avengers!"

"She earned their trust and joined them." I justified.

"Lagos and Germany, we know how that turned out." he said.

"She fought Thanos, and single-handedly she tore apart him. He had to fire nukes to save himself from her. She saved all of you alongside all of the people you blame for your loss." I said.

"She's a monster!" Hayward shouted.

"She's a hero! Unlike you, you are a coward!" I yelled and again, my damn eyes turned black at the wrong moment.

"You're just like her." he said, "Guards! Arrest her!"

"Arrest me? huh?" I smirked, "If you compare me with her, you know how dangerous I am. I snapped and Thanos disintegrated. I survived the impact of the snap I did. Oh! Hayward, I almost forgot to mention, where's the respect you and your department give to me? Did it vanish just like your bravery?" 

"You are violating the rules here. I am your senior." he said.

"You know what? I am changing the party." I smiled, "Have fun!"

"Send the drone, I don't want any delay." he ordered as I walked out.

"I'll join you." Darcy said and followed me outside, "What's the plan? How will we contact her? Magic? If science, I need my stuff."

"I only act like I know everything." I stopped.

"Ok! Now, I'll lose my job once Hayward complains to my boss." Darcy said.

"I need to enter this hex." I looked around and saw a change in the hex. A glitch, it was turning red and back to blue.

The alarm went off and the agents came out as well as Hayward and my squad. "Is this yours?" Wanda came out of the hex and threw the 80s drone Hayward sent. She was dressed in the same dress she fought in the Battle of Earth. 

"The missile was just a precaution." Hayward said and guards surrounded Wanda, pointing their guns at her.

"This will be your only warning." she gritted her teeth. "Stay out of my home."

"You can hardly blame us, Wanda." he continued.

"Oh! I think I can. You don't bother me, I won't bother you." she said.

"I wish it was that simple. You've taken an entire town hostage." he said.

"I am not the one with guns, Director." she snapped.

"But you are the one in control." I interrupted.

"Y/N? Oh! I sensed you here." she said unbothered, forming a shot of plasma blast.

"A town full of civilians. And you, a telepath, Wanda. Isn't it bad? Innocent people might get hurt." I slowly walked to her, trying to comfort her.

"Don't you talk about hurting innocents. I know what you did to Thomas." Wanda said bitterly.

"What happened to Thomas was a mistake and I regret it. You don't want that to happen to you, right? Wanda, we fought alongside each other, I know what you can do. Don't hurt the people there." 

"They are enjoying in there," she said "and so am I." She then used her powers to have the soldiers turn their guns on Hayward. 

"Woah!" Hayward panicked, "Stand down!" he ordered his men but they didn't move.

"Stand down, boys!" Wanda said before she turned around and re-entered the Hex, turning it red and fortifying the Hex.

As the men lower their guns, Hayward took heavy breaths. "She's not being reasonable."

"Trust me, this is her being reasonable." I said.


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