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"Peter! Quentin's a son of a bitch!" I entered his room. He was there in his 'new suit' with Ned and MJ? MJ?

"I-I was coming to you." he said.

"MJ? You know?" I asked her.

"I was the first one to know." she said.

"No, I was the first one to know Peter's identity." Ned protested.

"No shit!" I said and they looked at me, "I fought alongside him. Clearly, I was the first one."

"I am going to Berlin to inform Mr. Fury. Please, don't be mad at me!" Peter said.

"Mad at you? You almost killed Brad Davis. You had killer drones, it was Tony's but still, that's something serious. I am not mad at you, I am concerned." I said.

"Oh god!" he sighed, "Ned, I need you to call me May. Tell her to call Harrington and say that she wants me to stay with family in Berlin until all this is over, ok?"

"So, you guys lie with such ease." MJ complimented.

"I'll clone myself, I am coming with ya." I said.

"Ok, good!" Peter said, "We'll fly?" 

"You do your thing and I'll do mine, flying it is." I replied, I opened the window and cloned me.


As Peter and I roamed in the streets of Berlin a black car stopped us. "Get in!" Nick Fury opened the door.

"Beck is a liar, he's a fraud!" I said when we reached the headquarters.

"How?" Fury asked, Maria came in when we entered a cabin.

"He has some illusion tech. The Elementals are fake. That's how he tricked you guys,  he tricked me into giving him EDITH." Peter explained.

"It's a projector." I passed them the device.

"So, all the death and damage we witness was made by 'this'?" asked Fury.

"We think he's using drones." I said.

"If this is true then Beck's very dangerous. Who else did you tell?" Fury asked.

I sensed something off and so did Peter, "Parker?" Maria asked.

"It's him! He's here." he said.

The surroundings changed, Maria was erased and a drone shot Fury. "Fury!" Peter screamed.

"No! He was fake!" I stopped him.

A drone dragged Peter away as my surroundings changed back, I knew it was fake but it felt so real. An illusion of my childhood surrounded me, I wondered how he got info on me; EDITH, I guess.

The burning building; the birthday; Jessica's dead body and Thomas's disfigured face all of the things haunted my life, the smoke swirled around my body. I was in a room filled with green smoke and Natasha was standing in the middle "If your plan was better, I'd be alive!" she said.

Then came Thomas, he walked to me with a knife "I trusted you! I trusted you!" 

Jessica was pale, she stood in a white gown but then her body levitated to me. Her abdomen was stained with blood as red as my ledger. Then everything turned black, no light just dark.

I heard Beck's voice "Maybe if you were good enough, your parents wouldn't leave you." 

"Stop! Stop it!" The illusion weakened when I screamed. I noticed a drone, I crushed it with my powers. But nothing happened.

"Oh poor you! Everything's in my control." Beck's voice echoed.

"Maybe, if you were good enough, Stark would never fire you." I spat out the words.

"HE DIDN'T FIRE ME! I resigned! I created this tech! Not him!" he protested.

"There you are!" I smirked and choked him, the illusions faded slowly.

"EDITH!" he gagged. 

A drone shot me in the abdomen and fell backward. I fell from a tall building, I couldn't fly even though I tried a lot. "No!" Peter shouted when he saw me.

My body touched the ground and I broke my back, which was slowly healing. I stood on my feet and tripped as Beck walked to me and Peter with a gun. Fury shot him and cars came before him.

"That mothe-" he sighed, "Who all did you tell? You must have told someone, tell me." 

"I told Ned and Mj, maybe Ned told his girlfriend, Betty but I don't know." Peter trembled to speak.

"Did you tell Loki yet? Did you call someone on the team?" Fury asked.

"I-I- um- No, not yet. I don't have my phone, I left it in the hotel." I told him. My leg didn't stop bleeding and my back hurt more. It felt like I was losing my healing factor. 

He chuckled as Fury transformed back to Quentin, "It's easier to fool someone they are fooling themselves." I tried to attack him but my magic didn't work, "You lost, Y/N. But Peter, I am really sorry-for you." 

A train ran over me and Peter. After being hit so hard by a high-speeding train, we managed to survive the impact of the collision with minimal harmful injuries and crawled back to the side of it. We finally gained access to the doorway of the train and walked forward inside, Peter unmasked himself so that he could breathe heavily. Now, further away from Beck's illusions, I sat down on one of the seats to recover from the undying pain but I soon passed out from succumbing to my wounds.


Now that Y/N lost her powers, how will she fight back? Will she have a new suit? Will her life be the same after confronting Mysterio again? 

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