Time travel?

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"It's the five year anniversary of The Snap. Queens is still suffering from the storm, survivors have lost their hope......." 

My head ached, my eyes were still shut, my body slowly started aching too. I tried to open my eyes, it hurt but I managed to do so. I saw me lying in my flat, I lifted my arm and then my whole body. I looked at the T.V., it was lying on the dirty floor. Dust was all around and so was the black glitter like substance, floating in the air. I sensed it, it was magic, dark magic; my magic. 

I looked through my window, it was dark outside but it wasn't the darkness of the night. A lighting streak struck through the black clouds and made a loud sound, shaking my surroundings. I looked at the T.V. again, it was the same date, same month but different year? Five years passed?



Understanding my surrounding, I realised the reason of the storm, it was me. I took a deep breath and exhaled. The storm stopped, weather was normal but, I wasn't. I went to my bedroom and saw myself in the mirror, I looked horrible. My clothes were dirty, hair was messed up but my hands they weren't dirty. My fingertips had turned black.

I changed my look, made it presentable. I was about to step out of my bedroom but the doorbell rang. I conjured my dagger and teleported to the main door. I opened it and saw-

"Natasha?" I saw her, Rogers and Lang, I knew him because I saw him at The Avengers Compound, a victim.

"Y/N? We have a plan." she tried to enter but I stopped her.

"Wait!" I seemed suspicious so I added "Wasn't he dead?" I put an illusion on my house.

"That is exactly what's going to answer your question." Lang said.

They all entered my flat. "We have a plan, so I was with Hope, who is my-who was my-......" I didn't pay attention to Lang's words. I was busy hiding everything from Natasha.

Even after the airport fight, we kept in touch. I helped providing some information which was not within her reach. I basically helped her by my magic. I knew that placing an illusion would help only visibly but lying to her face, it was definitely the tough part. I had no information about the past five years.

"Y/N! You aren't listening." Natasha snapped me back to reality.

"I am! I am!" I hesitated.

She looked at me or I should say she looked inside me. "Drop it!" she said with concern.

The illusion melted away. "Welcome to my world!"


They told me their plan, time travelling, picking up the stones, snap and happy ending. Seemed impossible.

"How will I help you with professional scientific stuff?" I asked them.

"You won't need to, we are getting the members back." Rogers said.

"I can't come." I rejected the offer. Five years passed for them but to me an hour prior I killed Thanos. I couldn't fight again. Not without a hundred percent chance I would win, I needed rest or maybe I wanted rest.

"Can't or won't?" asked Lang.

I looked at him angry "Can't." I replied.

"Peter wouldn't want you to do that, he would want you to join us." Natasha tried to convince me.

"Let's leave, he is dead anyway." Lang said and got punched by me.

"Don't get me started!" I warned him, I knew he was a good person and he said that only to convince me to join but I couldn't hear anything bad about Peter.

"Then join us. You helped me and Bucky. We want to help you bring Peter back, I lost my friends too and so did the others. Please, Y/N! We need you." Rogers pleaded.

I hesitated first but managed to speak "When do we start?"

"Right now, we need to find Thor!"


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