Introduction to MC

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Name: Cassandra Sarea Slytherin
Born: Pre 976
Blood: Pure-Blood
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde (Near Silver/White)
Eye Colour: Naturally a greenish-grey colour (Xanadu) or straight up grey
Age: 1000+ years old but has the appearance of a 16-19-year-old teen.
Parents: Salazar Slytherin and Celeste Slytherin
Wand: Snakewood with a Thestral Tail Hair Core

Parents: Salazar Slytherin and Celeste SlytherinWand: Snakewood with a Thestral Tail Hair Core

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Additional Notes

As you may have noticed, Cassandra's parents are both from the Slytherin family. This is due to a certain relationship between her father and a female by the name of Celeste. At the time, they had seen it as nothing more than a one-time thing but later when Celeste gave birth to Cassandra, rather than come out into the open about their prior actions they decided to hide her existence from the world.

Cassandra grew up with both her parents in her life but spent most of her time with her mother. Despite this and not being able to attend a school or any public outings besides the occasional fair, she learned much from her father and mother who spared no effort in training her to the best of their ability. However, it wasn't until her mother died that she received her first wand. 

Following the death of her mother, perhaps out of grief, her father took a Thestral (visible to both due to prior happenstance which had led to her mother's death in the first place) and used its tail to create a new wand for himself. When trying it out, however, the wand refused him and chose Cassandra instead thus becoming hers.

At the same time, while creating the wand, he also created a snakewood coffin from the same tree. Cassandra thought it was meant for her mother but as it would turn out, it was meant for her. Blinded by grief at the loss of yet another beloved person in his life, Salazar used the magical properties of the Snakewood coffin alongside magic to seal his daughter (Cassandra) away for all eternity. His reasoning at the time was simply to prevent her from dying as well but the spell, combined with the healing properties of the tree used to make the coffin and some alchemy also prevented her body from ageing thus creating a never-ending loop of restoration.

It wasn't until he had finished his work and she was firmly sealed away inside the coffin alongside her wand that he realised the gravity of what he had done. By sealing her away, not only would she not die but he could no longer be with her anymore. He tried consoling himself by telling himself that this was all for her but ultimately he'd go on regretting the decision for the rest of his life. Despite his future attempts at breaking the bind, however, she'd remained sealed away and later buried in an ancient ruin to keep the knowledge of her existence firmly out of the magic community's grasp.


Cassandra Sarea Slytherin "fell asleep" with significant knowledge of magic and how to use it. At the time of her (essentially) imprisonment, she had already learnt not just how to perform many spells but could also Apparate and perform Unsupported Flight (as Tom Riddle later learned how to do many, many years later). She also knew the Unforgiveable Curses or rather curses that do the same things or worse though at the time when she learnt them they weren't viewed as such. Other abilities included an uncanny ability to identify and break curses so long as she was aware of the curse existing in the first place as well as having the ability to change her appearance at will without needing potions or a spell (Metamorphmagus).

By modern standards, she'd be an immensely powerful witch, even without her wand and the changes being locked in a magic imbued coffin for over a thousand years would cause to her physical and spiritual body. This would easily put her on the Ministry's watch list but as the world knows nothing of her existence at the start of the story...

Something else to note, though this will be covered in the story itself, is that her eyes do in fact change colour (courtesy of her being locked in that...well, you get the idea.) as the stuff above implied when covering the colour of her eyes. Naturally, her eyes are or rather were grey. However, following all the things that occurred to her, they became naturally greenish-grey or Xanadu. Despite this change, they occasionally revert to their original colour when she changes her appearance though no one knows why. Also, her eyes change to a near golden colour when she's viewing things through another being's (most often her owl's) eyes. While doing this, the being she's using also has its eyes become the same near golden colour.

Lastly, anything not covered here will likely be covered at some point in the story.

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