Ch38: A Promise Kept

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By the time Valentina joins me outside of the vault, I'm already ready to return to Hogwarts but despite the urgency of my mission I choose to transport us to the outskirts of the school grounds. It wouldn't do if Dumbledore was aware that we returned by jumping right into the Dorms. 

Me: Can you get us in?

Valentina: Can I? Of course I can.

She lifts me onto her back before using her speed to flit from dark corner to dark corner so as to avoid detection by the small patrols of professors and house elves. We've made it halfway across the courtyard when the front doors open and out steps Dumbledore, causing us to freeze in place.

Valentina: Does he have like a sixth sense or something?

Me: It's just a coincidence. Stay hidden till he passes.

She follows my instruction but rather than walk by, Dumbledore remains at the door, his eyes scanning the courtyard before looking in our general direction. It nearly spooks Valentina into running but I manage to keep her hidden by holding her in place.

Snape: Are you still worried that he will attack?

Dumbledore: He isn't known for keeping his word.

Snape: On the contrary, I'd say he usually makes good on his threats.

Both men turn and head inside the school. When they don't close the door behind them, however, I suspect a trap and as such rather than play around further I transport us both to the Slytherin Common Room. Our arrival startles a few of the students there but when they see me, they all smile knowingly before returning to their prior activities and I don't stick around long enough to be questioned.

Arriving back at my bed, I find Erin clothed but still asleep. Judging from how the bed has also been cleaned, she must've woke up while we were gone...makes me wonder why she didn't go to her bed.

Me: Erin...

I gently rock her, not really wanting to wake her but knowing that I must.

Me: Erin.

Erin: Hmmm...

She answers but I can tell she hasn't really registered anything so I rock her harder, this time calling her name louder. She groans, clearly frustrated but eventually opens her eyes and once she sees me, blushes.

Valentina: Do I even want to know what you were dreaming about?

Erin: I-

Me: We can talk about that kind of stuff later. Come, drink this.

She eyes the bottle which still glows red in the dark but without question, takes it from my hand and after flicking the cork, downs the entire thing before complaining that I've given her liquid fire.

True to her description, every time she speaks, little flames escape her lips. Valentina tries hard to stifle her laughter but fails as she falls forward, rolling in laughter.

Me: Shhhh...

I try comforting Erin, holding her close as I attempt to take her mind off the pain and after some initial success, she finally calms down before falling asleep in my arms. It's only then that Valentina finally returns to her senses and after making sure Erin is truly asleep, she helps me to put her back on my bed.

Valentina: Now what?

Me: Now we wait.

It doesn't take long for the potion to take effect, Erin's body glowing with the same dark red aura that the potion had emitted. At the same time, I start feeling drowsy and alert Valentina to such before lying down beside Erin.

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