Ch25: Can I Keep Her?

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With the aid of my new companion, it takes no time at all for me to come across one of the search parties looking for me. It seems mother somehow got wind of me vanishing in the forest and has seemingly dispatched every able-bodied person within the Ministry to find me.

Alastor: Princess!

Valentina: Cassandra!

I've still not been spotted when my new friend turns to me.

????: Are they always this loud?

Me: Haha. Not generally. The noise simply means they care.

????: Have things really gone so bad that noise is something to be celebrated?

Me: An excellent question, for another time.

With that, I call to Valentina and Alastor, the former of which runs at top speed towards me the minute she senses my presence. She doesn't even notice that I'm not alone as she wraps me in a tender embrace.

Valentina: Don't ever vanish like that again!

Me: I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter.

????: Who's she?

Valentina: I'm her-

Me: Let's just say she's an old friend, for now.

Both: Friend?

Alastor: Princess, you gave the Minister quite the fright.

Me: You're not going to drop the princess thing, are you?

Alastor: Haha, no.

????: Princess? Are you-

Me: Don't mind him. He's been teasing me about it ever since-

Bagnold: My baby!

I'm being kissed on both cheeks before my skin even registers that I'm being touched. 

Alastor: I should have figured it wouldn't take her long to get here.

Bagnold: Are you hurt? Show me your injuries-

Me: I am perfectly fine...

I end my statement there but find her staring at me expectantly and despite my better judgement, I find myself incapable of not indulging her just a little.

Me: Mother...

She squeals with joy, hugging me tighter before being pried off me by a jealous Valentina who demands a similar hug but gets interrupted by the arrival of the Headmaster and one very seething Professor Snape.

Snape: I suppose I should congratulate you on surviving your own incompetence...

Bagnold: Another word out of you and I'll have you hung from the balls in Azkaban!

Snape zips shut but not before Bagnold berates him for bringing me, an effectively new student, into the deadliest place within the immediate vicinity of Hogwarts.

After dismissing him and fanning away Dumbledore's insistence that I at the very least be checked by Madam Pomfrey, mother finally turns toward the shadow of a girl that's been standing beside me under a heavy cloak this whole time.

Bagnold: When are you going to introduce me to your friend, dear?

Me: Well, this is-

I never did catch her name, did I? No, that's not it. She said something along the lines of not having one or having one but being unable to remember. In that case...

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