Ch4: Emergency

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As cameras flash around me, I can't help but want to just run away and never look back. However, with the world now certain of my existence, there's no hiding anymore. All the magic in the world wouldn't keep them from eventually finding me...

Bagnold: Yes, with me stand the daughter of Salazar Slytherin himself. 

Reporter: Minister, are you suggesting that this young lady is somehow over 900 years old?

Bagnold: I'm not suggesting. I am stating facts as the ENTIRE MINISTRY will be more than willing to confirm. The details surrounding the find and subsequent release will remain confidential. However, Miss Sarea will be joining the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to complete-

Reporters: Miss Slytherin! This way! What are your... Is it true that...

The chaos is overwhelming and as they continue screaming, my head starts hurting. Alastor must notice because he places a hand on my shoulder before slamming his staff onto the platform we're currently standing on. 

Alastor: SILENCE!

His voice booms over the gathered crowd and instantly, they all fall silent. However, the shout only causes the pain to increase and soon, I find myself tilting to the side.

Me: Valen-

I don't manage to finish my words before I find myself leaning on her for support. She repositions herself to better support my weight, wrapping a hand around my waist to keep me in place whilst focusing on the proceedings. Despite her efforts, however, I can feel myself slipping further and further into the encroaching darkness. Unwilling to fall any further while in public I summon my last remaining strength.

Me: Take me to Hogwarts...

My wand, now in my hand, glows green momentarily before the air around me begin warping. It only takes a split second but it seems to stretch on for all eternity and then, I find myself in an entirely new location. Before me sits the only knowledge I have of the school. I'd seen it in a picture of dumbledore's office and though I wasn't aiming for it, it seems my wand chose to bring me here.

 I'd seen it in a picture of dumbledore's office and though I wasn't aiming for it, it seems my wand chose to bring me here

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The room seems empty which works out in my favour. I can get out of here before anyone knows I'm present. I just need to get

I collapse to the ground as my breathing slows. The sound of shuffling feet reaches my ear but try as I might to hide, my body refuses to respond to any of my commands. I barely manage to hide my wand before someone bursts into the room.

Dumbledore: Who...Miss Sarea? What are you...what happened?

He rushes over to me but even as he stoops down my vision fades to black.

I awaken sometime later to the sound of voices. I don't recognise most of them but I do recognise one, Valentina, and from the sound of it she's arguing with someone else. 

????: I said you cannot see her now.

Valentina: and you're going to stop me?

????: Is that a threat young lady?

McGonagall: Please excuse her, Madam Pomfrey. She's not used to this...time. I thought you'd already been told. Those two girls are...well, let's say they're a special case right now. I'm sure the headmaster will update you on their circumstances as soon as things settle.

Madam Pomfrey?: Humph. She should learn some respect.

Valentina: When I-

McGonagall: Aren't you going to check on your friend?

There's momentary silence before I feel the bed I'm on sink from being under additional pressure. Opening my eyes reveal an extremely concerned Valentina but once she realises I'm awake, she breathes a sigh of relief.

Me: Why so serious?

Valentina: You had me worried, you know.

Me: Why? Surely you can hear my heart still beating.

Valentina: slowed down.

From the tone of her voice and the expression on her face, I can tell whatever happened to me had gotten serious but I feel fairly fine at the moment. Besides, I have a theory about what happened to me but I'll need additional help to find out for sure.

Me: Don't cry, Valentina. I'm fine, I promise.

Reaching up, I wipe away the tears falling from her eyes before offering her a smile.

McGonagall: It's good to see you awake and smiling.

Me: You're here!

McGonagall: Of course, I am. I am a professor here, after all, or have you already forgotten our little talk?

Me: I could never forget you. Thank you.

McGonagall:'re welcome. I brought something for you to eat. The same as last time.

Madam Pomfrey: She really needs to rest.

McGonagall: Come now, surely you'll allow her to at least have something to eat now that she's awake.

The woman standing some ways off sighs before turning away. From her voice and the conversation I'd overheard, I can tell she's the one McGonagall called Madam Pomfrey and judging from her clothing, she's likely a nurse or something similar which would mean...

Me: Am I in the hospital?

McGonagall: Haha. Not quite. You're at Hogwarts...

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