Ch17: Unholy

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What's taking Valentina so long? Surely she, being a vampire and all, should have reached her destination and gotten back by now. After all, even if she wasn't planning on using magic, she can move rather quickly when she wants to.

Alastor: Concerned?

Me: About?

Alastor: The fact that she might be feasting on that poor girl.

Me: I'm not particularly concerned about that. Valentina is rather picky about what she feasts on.

Alastor: Is that another way of saying she wouldn't cheat on you?

Me: I-

My words catch in my mouth as  I attempt to recover but Alastor continues pressing on, pushing harder and harder but right before I break, Dumbledore intervenes.

Dumbledore: We could check in on them if it concerns you so.

Me: I doubt that is-

Alastor: A splendid idea. One can't be too careful.

Me: You're just looking to cause problems. 

Alastor: I would never.

I glare at him but he only smirks before standing. We follow and after everything's packed away, prepare to apparate to Valentina's location.

Alastor: Take my hand.

I do and immediately begin feeling as though I'm being crushed into a ball. The feeling is brief but sickening and once I unravel, I'm mere moments from hurling my lunch when my companions choose to make our destination known.

Alastor: The Bagnold Estate.

I'm surprised to find what are clearly modern muggle gates blocking my view of the estate

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I'm surprised to find what are clearly modern muggle gates blocking my view of the estate. Even more startling is the fact that it seems completely devoid of any magical properties. 

Me: Where are we exactly?

Alastor: So you notice it too? 

Dumbledore: The Minister believes living amongst the muggle society offers her the chance to better understand how best to approach inter-relations between our societies.

Alastor: I for one think she simply finds "our society" stuffy.

Dumbledore remains silent but I can tell he disapproves of Alastor's antics. This is further shown when Alastor doesn't even bother buzzing any attendants before using magic to open the gate. Thankfully, we don't make it far before someone notices.

????: Who dares tresspass-

A stone statue suddenly shifts to life, moving out of line from the rest and barring our path. Brandishing its halberd, it seems ready to strike when it finally lays its empty eye sockets towards me and bends the knee.

????: Forgive me, my lady. I knew not that thou would be joining us today.

Me: Are you referring to me?

Alastor: Well, I'm fairly certain that of the three of us you're the only one that qualifies as a lady, Princess.

Rolling my eyes, I walk up to the statue. As I do, the other statues along the sides of the driveway leading to the front of the house each join their comrade in bending the knee. 

Me: Has Valentina arrived as yet?

Alastor: It'll be the girl with an attitude.

Me: Hey!

Alastor: She's also a-

Dumbledore: That'll be enough of that!

????: Forgive us, my lady, but you are the first to arrive.

At that, we all share a glance. If Valentina isn't here yet despite leaving ahead of us then that can only mean one thing. As much as I want to belive she wouldn't drink the maid dry, there's no denying that it is a possibility and under the right circumstances there's no telling just how far she'd go.

Me: We need to-

Alastor: Find her? Worry not, I've been keeping tabs on her since the moment she left.

Me: But-

Alastor: She's perfectly safe and so is the maid if that's what you're concerned about. Seems your faith in her is quite-

Me: Where is she?


Me: Alastor! WHERE...IS...SHE?

He turns away and begins fumbling with something he retrieves from his pocket but rather than wait on a response, I turn and begin running back towards the gates.

Alastor: Where are you going?

Me: [ut me Valentina]

There's a bright flash and then, I'm gone.

Valentina's POV: 

After what feels like an eternity, our lips finally part and I'm surprised to find that we're now on the other side of the door. 

Maid: You're a great kisser.

Me: I-

My words are trapped in my throat as she resumes the kiss. As she does, my hands roam every inch of her skin for a way to loosen the few pieces of clothing still hiding her frame from my gaze.

Finally finding the straps to her bra, I don't even bother attempting to pull them, instead using brute strength to rip it free. 

Maid: Oh-

Without pausing, she shifts herself around until we've somehow arrived at the foot of a bed. There she props my foot up between her legs before grinding against my knee. A soft moan escapes her unsealed lips before being replaced with a cry of anguish as I bite down on her exposed nipples. 

Maid: Bite me!

Me: Wha-

Maid: Bite me!

I open my mouth to comply but just before my teeth sink into her neck it finally dawns on me that something's wrong. 

Maid: Do it!

Me: Wha-no!

I start backtracking when she grabs onto my hand and pulls me down towards her. As I tumble forward, a wooden stake appears in her hands before being plunged towards my chest. I don't even get the chance to react before feeling it pierce my skin.

This is it, isn't it?

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