Ch8: Merula Snyde (2)

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Me: What are you willing to give in exchange?

She looks at me like I'm the evilest being she's ever seen and I can't help but laugh at her expression. Beside me, Valentina is also finding the entire situation amusing. We really should prevent the poor thing from being killed but death is still some ways off so we have time to have a bit of fun.

????: I'll do anything.

Well, this should be interesting. It only takes a glance into her eyes to tell she's being serious so after a brief consideration, I wave my hand and the Snare releases Merula. The strange girl immediately runs over to her and begins tending to the bruises she's received as the Snare attempted to squeeze her tightly.

Valentina: Want me to bring it back to that room?

Me: No. It'll make a nice addition to my vault.

Valentina nods before walking over to the Snare. After placing her hand on it, she whispers something before both vanishes. The remaining girls all stare after her as though she's just performed a miracle. 

Merula: Impossible!

Me: You mean you can't do such simply spells?

Merula: What trick are you trying to pull?

Me: Huh?

Merula: There's no way to apparate into or out of this building. There are countless wards against-

????: Merula!

Ohhh. So that's why those kids were looking at us like we dropped from the sky. I wish someone would have said something before now but I suppose it wouldn't have stopped either of us from continuing to use it. That said...

Me: If it is any comfort, she didn't just use that magic. It is something that works a bit differently and is in fact more similar to that of a Port Key than outright apparition. 

Truth be told, that is almost exactly what it is. We have a few items, usually in the form of rings or in the current case, necklaces that allow us to move from anywhere in the world to my vault in the blink of an eye. It was something we had to clear with the bank first since they don't usually allow this kind of thing but try as they might, they couldn't prevent us from jumping straight to my vault so they came up with an alternate method. It's an agreement of sorts but one that benefits both parties.

They are also connected to that ruin I was found in and my coffin. What makes them truly different from regular Port Keys, however, is the fact that they aren't activated by merely touching them and they can't be used by everyone. In fact, one of their defining features is that they use my blood to activate.

Valentina: Done.

The girls scream as Valentina appears once more, without warning. She gives them a single glance before returning to my side.

Me: Now, I believe we had a deal.

Merula: What?

????: Yes. I will uphold my end as you've upheld yours.

Me: Perfect. Then you can start by leading us towards the headmaster's office.

Merula: She will do no such-

????: As you wish.

Merula's jaw all but hits the floor as the girl stands, head bowed in a reverent fashion, before making her way over to us. I too am surprised by her submissiveness but I don't have time to worry about such now. We still have to meet the headmaster and give him our decision.

Me: Lead the way.

She nods and begins walking ahead of us. Merula calls out after her, after us, but no one replies. Instead, we simply leave her there on the floor in the midst of the dimly lit hallway. Goodbye Merula Snyde. It was fun while it lasted but now I have new prey.

Me: What's your name?

????: My name is Emilia Snyde.

Me: Well, Emilia, starting today you'll serve me.

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