Ch10: The Sorting Hat (1)

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Much to my surprise, Dumbledore didn't ask me to remove the lock or even request that I treat Emilia a certain way. All he asked was that both Valentina and I refrain from subjugating any other students. I can't tell who was more surprised by his limited request but we both gladly accepted. Now we're all gathered in the Great Hall. Emilia has taken her seat with the Slytherin House as both her and her sister were placed years ago when they first came to the school. On the other hand, Valentina and I are forced to stand with the first years as we line up awaiting our turn to be placed by the sorting hat. 

The room falls silent when my name is finally called. As I step forward, I can't imagine a world in which a girl with the last name Slytherin wouldn't end up in Slytherin but I also cannot ignore the fact that I could just as easily be placed in another house. Based on what I've learnt about each House, I stand a good chance of landing in Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw would be a bit trickier since my personality runs contrary to some of what they stand for. Gryffindor is certainly not an option as while I might be "brave", other traits would easily toss me in Slytherin every time. If I had to choose...

Dumbledore: Miss Sarea, don't think about it too much. I'm certain whatever house you're placed in, you'll do well.

Nodding, I take my seat. Behind me, Dumbledore himself steps forward and takes the hat from Professor McGonagall. The minute I feel it touch my hair, I close my eyes. Within my mind, I hear the voice of the hat as it converses with itself over where to place me. 

Sorting-Hat: Hmmm. Strange. Very strange, indeed. 

Me: What is?

Sorting-Hat: I sense much in this one. Courage, Bravery, Determination and being Daring. These are most of the traits of Gryffindor but I also sense a rather unique but intense sense of Loyalty and this is a trait of Hufflepuff. Creativity, Intelligence, Acceptance, Wit, Learning and Wisdom. Together they comprise all the traits of Ravenclaw and are likewise seen within but so too are Resourcefulness, Determination, Pride, Cunning, Ambition and perhaps the most significant trait of all, the impassioned desire for Self-preservation. All of the latter comprises all the traits of Slytherin.

I'm stunned. To have my personality laid so bare before my eyes is quite eye-opening. I'd never had to think about it before now but I can't argue against any of its points. Before hearing all this I'd have thought Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were the ones I matched the least...

Seconds turn into minutes and yet the hat still ponders. Minutes, threaten to turn into hours when it finally speaks up once more. This time, as before, the statement is addressed to me and not the rest of the room. Yet, it does surprise me.

Sorting-Hat: Where would you like to be placed?

Me: What do you mean? I thought it wasn't my choice.

Sorting-Hat: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or Slytherin? You'd be a fantastic match with any that you choose.

Me: What do you think?

Sorting-Hat: You'd be perfect in Ravenclaw-

Me: Then that is where-

Sorting-Hat: and Slytherin.

Me: I see.

There's a brief moment of silence before it speaks again. This time, it addresses the room. It must've been half an hour or perhaps more since I've sat down but despite the length of time that has passed, the room's full attention is held as it announces its decision.

Sorting-Hat: RAVENCLAW!

The room is a mixture of gasps and cheers. Dumbledore and the other teachers clap along but I can't help but smile at the sneer on Snape's face. It brings memories of the conversation he and I had mere moments before I entered this very room. He'd brought me to the Potions Classroom where he tested my knowledge of herbs and was pleasantly surprised by what I knew and even showed him. Of course, given the time period I came from, there are gaps here and there but for the most part, I would be his best student and this made him even more fond of me than he already was. I can't imagine how me being placed in any other house than his own makes him feel...

Sorting-Hat: and SLYTHERIN!

The room falls deathly silent. It's only been a few seconds since the hat shouted Ravenclaw but before Dumbledore could even remove the hat off my head, it has made the full extent of its decision known. Not able to choose between both houses since I match both perfectly, it has chosen both. A shortcut to avoid needing to decide, I'm sure, but a choice it has made nevertheless. 

Valentina, upon hearing this and the silence that follows, burst into laughter. Hers is the only voice that can be heard in the room. Hers is the only sound at all.

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