Ch1: Gringotts

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It's been a day since I woke up and I've still not fully come to terms with everything I've been told. I still remember my father sealing me away as though it were yesterday and for me, it was literally just a few days prior to my awakening and yet I'm repeatedly told that over a thousand years have passed since then and not only that but that my entire family tree has been destroyed. The last descendant of my father is even viewed with such hatred and fear that most people don't even mention his name and treat anyone mentioning it as an outcast.


At the very least both the Ministry of Magic and the teachers that found me have been taking care of me and have thankfully managed to keep news of me out of the public sector for now. I doubt it'll be long before everyone figures out what's actually going on though. In any case, they've had me staying in a hotel ever since I woke up. I'm under constant surveillance by countless Ministry personnel, most of them introducing themselves as Aurors, but I can't say I mind it. It's given me something to focus on instead of lying there wallowing in grief over the loss of my family and what my father did to me and I've even made a friend out of one of them.

Knock Knock

Me: Come in!

The door opens to reveal Alastor. The others seem very wary of him even though he's one of them but we've gotten along well so far. Of everyone here, he seemingly has the best understanding of what I'm going through and has taken great care to help me. Still, I'd say the best thing he's done for me is explain the current world. So far I've learnt that the world has changed a lot starting with the Hogwarts school which my father helped create. Then there is the much later introduction of the Ministry of Magic, an organization which certainly didn't exist in my time along with the general separation of the wizarding world from muggle society. 

Moody: I see you've already awakened

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Moody: I see you've already awakened.

Rather than answer him, I refocus on the television before me. It is a muggle invention displaying muggle news and it has taught me a lot about this world since I arrived at the hotel, including a lot of the changes in how people speak though my own use of magic has allowed me to capture things a lot faster than I otherwise would.

I'm supposedly being kept in a muggle hotel so as to not arouse suspicion in the wizarding world but I fail to see how deploying this many people in one location will not draw attention. I mean, the muggles have already noted my presence and are claiming that I'm some foreign princess here visiting their nation. 

Moody: Did you even sleep-

Me: I've slept for over a thousand years. I doubt I could go back to sleep even if I tried.

Moody: In that case, I've got news for you.

Me: They've finally decided what to do with me?

Moody: Something like that. Come with me.

Not waiting on my reply, he leaves the room. Sighing, I turn off the television before following. To "blend in" with the fashion of those around me as well as keep up appearances that I'm royalty, I'm sporting a "Red Honeycomb Stitch Cotton Front Zip Dress" or so I've been told. In addition to it, my hair has been done up and is being well covered by a similarly red cotton hat that's been imbued with magic to allow it to hold my otherwise too long hair. Honestly, I fail to see what the issue is with others finding out my hair colour but whatever works I suppose.

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