Ch15: Our First Class (2)

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Teaching is a hard gig. Alright? I've said it! Let's call it quits now!

As requested, the vagabond that's proclaimed herself my mother has us head to an otherwise not-so-significant location to practice the new "spell" I'm supposed to teach. All three wizards and witches are excellent and capable by all means so I'm expecting it to be rather easy.

Wrong! It is hard as heck and the more I try to teach them, the worse it gets. Maybe I'm just a bad teacher...


Me: No, you don't-

Alastor: Minister, surely you don't need help holding your wand!

Bagnold: Alastor...

Alastor: my name.

She gives him a death glare but only earns one back from Valentina who berates both for not focusing.

Dumbledore: If I didn't know better I'd think the spell is impossible but given you can both use it...

Valentina: It's her spell.

Dumbledore: This only further proves my point.

Me: Let me show you again.

I reach forward with my hand grasping my wand firmly. Once in position, I think of the location I wish to visit and then speak the words. In this case, I asked to be transported to the other side of the field, and I'm there in the blink of an eye.

Me: See? Just like that!

All: Wha-

Me: Okay, enough for one day. We aren't going to get anywhere by attempting to brute force it. That much is clear. Besides, aren't I supposed to be the student here?

Bagnold: Ahh. Right. My bad. Though it's likely too late for you to still do the planned class.

Me: What did you have planned?

Bagnold: Alastor-

Alastor: Have you ever been to a strip club, prin-

Bagnold: Alastor Moody-

Alastor: Haha. You're no fun, Minister.

Me: When you say strip-

Bagnold: Ah-ah. Not something you need to concern yourself with dear, especially with features like yours.

Me: What does that mean?

I glance Dumbledore's way but he's missing from the scene entirely, having placed no less than 50 feet between himself and the rest of the group.

Bagnold: Well, duty calls. 

Me: You're just trying to get away.

Bagnold: Be good.

She pulls out her wand and without so much as a breath, apparates away. 

Valentina: She seems in a hurry.

Dumbledore: The Minister is a very busy woman, after all. It's a testament to how fond she's become of you that she made time to be here with you-

Valentina: I'm sure there's some catch to this arrangement.

Alastor: The catch? Less paperwork for me to fill out. That's what. 

Me: Really?

Alastor: Really.

Me: You make it should like I'm destructive.

Alastor: A force of nature, unstoppable and unchanging yet increasingly deadly to any and everything crossing its path.

Sighing, I walk over to the small picnic two ladies in maid outfits have prepared. The others don't comment so I assume it's okay but as I take a seat on one of the gingham patterned cloths, Valentina joins me and is soon followed by Alastor and Dumbledore.

????: Welcome, Miss Sarea. How may we be of use today?

Me: Who are you and what's this?

????: We are maids of the Bagnold Estate and, more specifically, your maids milady.

Me: Me?

????: Yes, milady.

This must be some misunderstanding. My only attendants are the ones that have managed to survive from then till now so...wait, is this why she was in such a hurry to clear out?

Me: Tell me, did she put you up to this?

????: If your ladyship desires to ask if the Mistress assigned us herself then yes.

As if to further prove this, the other maid repositions herself so that she's within reach of Valentina before leaning forward with her hair held back. The meaning is clear, what with the exposed neck. Now that others are watching, however, I'm not sure if things will go to plan but we'll see.

Valentina: May I, really?

????: I am yours, milady.

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