Ch23: The Dark Arts

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It's been a few days since the incident on the terrace and life's continued as though nothing's happened. Professor Mcgonagall seems to not recall anything or is, at the very least, playing dumb. Valentina, on the other hand, has stepped out her efforts in securing my own security and has started working alongside the rest of Slytherin to all but turn Hogwarts into our own personal fortress while keeping the staff oblivious. Now, as we gather outside for yet another Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, I am left wondering if another attack is forthcoming.

Patricia: Alright, listen up. Today we'll be learning a fairly simple spell but one that is quite handy should you ever find yourself in a bind. What does it do? It binds the target with ropes, generally leaving the target immobile. Now, any volunteers?

Fiona: You must be-

Me: Sure, what am I volunteering for?

Patricia: Being bound then seeing if you can escape, of course. Make sure to watch my hand movements and listen to my pronunciation everyone.

I move to stand before the professor against both my and my peers' better judgement.

Patricia: Now!

Before I'm even aware of their presence, I find myself falling like a log towards the ground. The ropes, whether intentional or not, tighten around my arms, waist and neck the more I struggle against them. I can feel their woven surface biting into my skin and yet I continue resisting, all the while thinking of how to break free.

Patricia: Remember, you aren't physically stronger than the ropes. You must use-

Me: Ignis!

A crack appears in the ground beneath me before powerful fire magic jets forth consuming every and anything within its line of fire. Burning away everything but my body, I'm left conjuring new clothes from the smoke before it clears and I'm exposed as being completely naked before the entire class.

Patricia: What in the world did you just use?

Me: Whatever do you mean?

Patricia: I-

She glances around at the rest of the students before refocusing on me. There's a devious twinkle in her eyes when she offers me a hand in helping to stand.

Patricia: Well then, I suppose you've learnt to cast the spell, correct?

Me: I'm not-

Patricia: Come now, don't be shy. Give her a try.

She slaps me in the back, seemingly playfully but I can tell there's more to her than meets the eye. Still, I play along and before long have added the spell to my arsenal. It proved surprisingly difficult to perform initially, probably because I'm used to not using my wand for most of my magic, but then the same could be said of Valentina who despite the fact still manages to get it right on her first try...

The rest of the class fares as well as one could expect with some passing but most failing. Still, Patricia surprises me by taking time out to ensure that each and every one of her students gets the basics before the class ends.

Patricia: I'd recommend that you all keep practising. The school will be hosting a mini tournament soon to discover hidden talents amongst the student body so-

Valentina: That sounds suspiciously like promoting your own spells.

Patricia: Aren't Defence Against the Dark Arts spells better oriented towards this kind of thing?

Emilia: So is Potions.

Patricia: Let's see you use potions to protect you against the Unforgivables.

Emilia: I'm certain there is a potion that-

Patricia: I-

Me: Emilia, we're heading off now so see you later?

My words provide enough of a distraction for the Professor to vanish without Emilia noticing but her disappearing act still draws the attention of other students.

????: [Thank you.]

There's a whisper in my ear and for the briefest of moments, I feel a presence against my back but as quickly as it arrived, it vanishes without a trace. This Patricia woman, we'll need to keep a watchful eye on her...

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