Ch13: Diagon Alley

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We arrive before the doors of Gringotts startling many a passerby but I don't even wait on Emilia to regain her bearings before heading into the bank. Inside, we're immediately greeted at the door as though they'd been expecting my arrival since this morning. I'm ushered to the front desk bypassing all lines, lines which hadn't been there during my prior visits. Today must be a special day.

As we walk forward, all eyes are on me. There are hushed whispers from wizards and muggles alike, all pointing at me and making various claims. Some say they don't believe the news that I'm not a princess. Others declare that I am the reincarnation of the Dark Lord himself. Few dare to mention that I am the daughter of Salazar Slytherin but one makes an even bolder claim. He's also the only one who steps out of the line to block our path as we are walking by.

????: Hello, daughter.

Looking at him closely, it is immediately obvious he is not my father but rather than pointing this out, I remain silent. Valentina, on the other hand, does not.

Valentina: Does everyone in the wizarding world have a death wish?

The bank goes silent as all the visitors take one step back putting greater distance between themselves and the man who dared block me. Those that had mentioned I might be the Dark Lord seem even more convinced now but still watch with bated breath to see what will happen next. I know that if we fight him they'll all but worship the very air I breathe so that's certainly not an option. Dumbledore also asked us to not draw too much attention to ourselves...

Emilia: Excuse me, sir, would you mind?

????: Huh? Who are you?

He whips out his wand as if to challenge us but is immediately restrained by goblins who toss him out the bank and after a hasty apology on their part, I'm before the front desk once more.

Head Goblin: Miss Sarea, what can we do for you today?

Me: I'm here to get a vault for Miss Emilia Snyde.

Head Goblin: I see...and what is your relation with Miss Snyde?

Not sure how to answer that, I freeze as my brain scans the known vocabulary to figure out what to say but still comes up short.

Emilia: I am her-

Valentina: Maid! She's one of the subordinates.

He glares at Emilia, clearly not believing a word but rather than push us further he sits back in his chair and writes something down in his massive book.

Head Goblin: Sign here.

A scroll floats down and stops just before me. On it are a ton of words I don't read followed by two lines upon which my signature and Emilia's are required. Once we both sign the parchment using our wands, it returns to the book.

Head Goblin: Welcome to Gringotts Miss Snyde. This is your key.

Emilia: Thank you.

Head Goblin: Griphook!

Griphook: Yes sir!

Head Goblin: Vault 69.

We're led away soon after and before long we're standing before the massive grey doors of a medium security vault. Griphook takes the key from Emilia and opens it to reveal a fairly decent-sized space but it is nothing like my own vault. Still, it is a start and to commemorate the moment I transfer a small portion of the funds I keep on me into her vault. 

Emilia: W-W-W-What-t-t is t-t-t-that f-f-for?

Me: Just a little something to help you get started.

Emilia: That's what you call a little?

Looking back at the three hills of coins I don't exactly see what the problem is. It's not like I gave her a ton of money. In all she's only gotten 4,930,000 Knuts, 170,000 Sickles and 10,000 Galleons. Besides, this is only what I am giving her to start the account. She should be considering this as an emergency fund and nothing more. The stuff she can actually spend will come later.

Valentina: Remember you are one of us now, Emilia.

Emilia: But-

Me: No buts! Thanks Griphook.

Griphook nods before closing the vault.

Me: I'll sort out the details of further transactions with you all when I return later.

Griphook: We look forward to your continued business. 

I nod before grabbing the hands of both Valentina and Emilia. There's a flash before we're back in front of the bank once more. Emilia is stunned but when I place the vault key in her hand, she holds onto it carefully.

Me: We'll need to get it onto a necklace so you don't lose it.

Emilia: I-

Valentina: First things first though, we must get her out of that hideous outfit. 

Emilia, flustered, doesn't manage a response before finding herself inside the nearest clothing store where she's forced by Valentina to try on almost every piece of clothing. In the end, only 12 different suits earn her fancy but we still buy them all along with underwear and various accessories. 

Next, we move to get her new supplies. She complains about not needing them but judging by her prior clothing, I'd bet anything her school items are also old and worn down so I ignore her pleas and purchase every item she needs for this school year. I also get her an owl after she fawns over it while we're passing Eeylops Owl Emporium. 

Me: Now, what else do we need?

Emilia: I...this is enough. Thank you!

Me: Haha. No need to be so modest. Treat yourself to something special. 

She glances around at the various stores around us before picking one and heading in. We follow but by the time we're inside she already has something in her hand. It is a necklace without a gemstone. Going from the price tag, however, it certainly has something special about it so I inquire and find out that this necklace is enchanted so as to not be easily lost. I find it awfully convenient that we'd just stumble onto something like that but when I inquire further the keeper refuses to give any additional details. 

Emilia: Can I-


Me: We'll take it.

Keeper: That'll be 150 Galleons.

Emilia: 150?

Me: Deal.

Emilia: WHAT?

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