Story Debrief: Cassandra's Current Spell List

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Name: Cassandra Sarea Slytherin
Born: Pre 976
Blood: Pure-Blood
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde (Near Silver/White)
Eye Colour: Naturally a greenish-grey colour (Xanadu) or straight-up grey
Age: 1000+ years old but has the appearance of a 16-19-year-old teen.
Parents: Salazar Slytherin and Celeste Slytherin
Wand: Snakewood with a Thestral Tail Hair Core


Restituo - A healing charm capable of healing most wounds including, to some extent, even damage to the mind by Curses such as Crucio.

Mors Maledictio - A instant death curse similar in effect to the well-known Killing Curse. However, unlike the bright green flash of the Killing Curse, Mors Maledictio flashes black.

Letum - Another instant death curse which kills the target by accelerating the decomposition of their body until not even dust remains.

Tutela - A charm which protects whomever it is cast upon from harm. If cast correctly, it can even protect against instant death curses. However, that is not to say that one cannot die while under the protection of this charm.

Scutum - A charm that is passively active around Cassandra. Effectively a shield, its effectiveness increases the more aware Cassandra is of the impending danger.

Ignis - A powerful fire-making Curse that engulfs anything the wielder targets in hellfire. 

Mutatio - A transfiguration spell that allows the user to change their appearance. The user can also change the appearance of any living thing connected to the via Res.

Res - A curse which marks a living thing as property of the caster. Once marked, the caster will always be aware of where said "property" is and can transport themselves to the location regardless of barriers present. N.B- There are other effects which can be seen throughout the story...

Mater - The charm version of Res. Rather than marking living things as property (a process which has both benefits and disadvantages), it marks living things as children of the caster. Offers similar effects to Res, however, Mater does not "force" the target to serve and as such will generally not be used on living things that could potentially prove a hindrance to the user.

Vocare - A very potent summoning charm, capable of summoning both living and inanimate over great distances. 

Gemmatum - Beautifies the caster's clothing, hair, etc. with jewels/jewellery. 

Invictus - Temporarily makes the caster invincible. This is a Curse - Charm - Transfiguration tribrid created by Cassandra during the height of her experiments prior to being cursed by her father with eternal slumber. The spell uses the Vita (similar to Life Force except this one can be restored over time) of the caster. However, note that prolonged usage can kill the caster as if their Vita is completely drained, they will die. This Vita can be restored only through resting and cannot be artificially increased. If severely drained, it will result in the user falling into an unconscious state from which they cannot awaken until said Vita has been fully restored. Note that this spell does not create a shield around the caster. Neither can it be used to directly protect another as it can only be cast on the caster. As per the methods used to create this spell, it can only be used by Cassandra as it is bound to her by blood and via her Vita.

N.B. - Cassandra has never used the spell since perfecting its use as excessive drainage of Vita is extremely painful (more so than the Torture curse levels of pain).

Reditus - Allows the user to effectively teleport to any location they've visited or seen before. While not requiring a direct incantation, it does require the user to visualise where they wish to go. Note that even a picture of the location will allow the user to transport themselves there. Ignores most barriers. More info in the story.

Lux - An exceedingly powerful charm that ranges anywhere from effectively being a glorified flashlight to replacing the sun as an environment's primary source of light. Note that this charm does not emit light from the wand but rather converts the user's Vita into light which in turn most often has the appearance of a ball of light. Needless to say, like Invictus, excessive use of this spell can also kill/knock out the user.

Dimittis Omnia - Another Charm - Curse - Transfiguration tribrid created by Cassandra during her spare time. This spell is far too diverse for me to even summarise but you can see one of the effects of this spell in Chapter One. More on this spell and other spells listed under Pre-Awakening will arrive in a separate debriefing chapter.

Post Awakening

Incendio - A charm that conjured a jet of flames that could be used to set things alight.

Protego Diabolica - A powerful dark charm that allowed the user to create a protective ring of black fire around them that completely incinerated enemies of the caster who came into contact with it while leaving their allies unharmed.

Expelliarmus - A charm that forced whatever an opponent was holding to fly out of their hand.

Depulso - A charm that sent the target away from the caster. It could send a target towards a specific location and worked on both living beings and inanimate objects.

Accio - A charm that summons an object toward the caster. It was able to summon objects in direct line of sight of the caster, as well as things out of view, by calling the object aloud after the incantation (unless the spell was cast nonverbally). This spell needed thought behind it, and the object had to be clear in the caster's mind before trying to summon it.

Colloportus - A charm that locked doors, making it so that they could not be opened manually.

Alohomora -  A charm that unlocked objects such as doors or windows.

Deprimo - A charm used to blast holes in the ground. It was strong enough to shatter the floor of an entire room in a matter of seconds.

Pack - A charm used to make items pack themselves into a trunk.

Lumos - A charm that illuminated the tip of the caster's wand, allowing the caster to see in the dark.

Nox - A charm that caused the light at the end of the caster's wand to be extinguished.

Additional Notes

This is not the complete list of her knowledge of magical spells. This list will be updated with additionally spells overtime via new Debrief chapters.

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