Ch3: Ollivander's

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Despite their initial reluctance, eventually, everyone accepted Valentina. However, they only did this on the condition that she remain with me and I keep her in line. To that end, she's to also enrol in Hogwarts alongside me though I have a feeling this is more so the Ministry can keep a close eye on her than the reasons they gave me. I was planning to inform them that we can both use magic without (and prefer to) wands but after seeing how they reacted to her mere existence...

In any case, now we're back outside after the goblins changed out half my old currency for the current one. I have to hand it to them. They work incredibly fast when motivated by their pursuit of profits and thanks to that it only took roughly half an hour for me to move on. 

Me: Where to next?

Dumbledore: Well that depends on what you'd like to do first. Shall we find a wand for Miss Valentina or perhaps start with the books.

Me: I don't know what books I'll need-

As if he'd been waiting on that exact statement, he produces two letters from his sleeve. One is addressed to me and one to Valentina. They're invitational letters, both also including all the school equipment necessary for our year as well as optional additions. Attached is also a set of rules, the top of which is written in big, bold, red ink.


We both chuckle at the idea that they presume they could do something to stop us if we were to choose to break that rule. Still, they've been fairly nice to me so far so I see no reason not to play along. It's not like I have any enemies I'd want to kill anyway and I'm not one to go about picking fights just for the sake of fighting. Valentina, on the other hand, might find things a bit more challenging but we can sort that out when the time comes. 

Valentina: [What would you like to get first, mistress?]

Me: [Let's get you a wand.]

She smiles and after relaying the decision to Dumbledore, we're led to a store called Ollivanders. Stepping inside, we find walls of boxes stretching off into the distance and a single old man at the front desk, staring at us as though he'd been waiting on this very moment as though it's his sole reason for existing.

Me: Hi. I'm looking for a wand for my friend.

He continues staring at us for a while before finally showing signs of life. 

????: How curious. Very curious, indeed.

Without introducing himself or even addressing us further, he turns to the boxes behind him and begins running his fingers along their surfaces until he apparently finds the one he's searching for.

????: 11 inches, birch, dragon heartstring. Go on, give it a try.

Valentina reluctantly takes the wand from him and flicks it but nothing happens. As she readies to return it, however, there is a low rumbling beneath the floor that causes the building to shake. As it gets stronger and stronger, she hastily returns the wand to the box.

Valentina: Sorry...

????: Haha. In all honesty that's one of the tamer experiences I've had whilst working here. Now then...what of this one. 13 inches, ash, unicorn hair, reasonably springy.

She gives it a twirl and sets off a mini-explosion in the back of the store in the process. The keeper doesn't even wait for her to return the wand, instead, taking it out of her hand himself before returning it to its prior position.

????: Certainly not that one. Hmmm...

He continues moving about for some time but as he does, a thought occurs to me.

Me: What of an Elder or Snakewood wand?

His eyes find mine and for a moment I can't tell if he is annoyed, pleased or mildly intrigued. However, he does stop searching to properly face me.

????: Any particular reason for such a request?

Rather than reply, I summon my own wand to my hand and show it to him. Remarkably, he easily identifies the wood and core. To say it excites him would be an understatement.

????: How peculiar indeed. Tell me, where did you get this wand?

Me: My father made it for me.

????: Your father must be a very talented wizard, young lady.

Me: He was.

He glances at me once more before returning my wand. Rather than return to searching for another, however, he returns to his desk and begins writing something on a piece of parchment. Once written, he whistles twice and an owl comes flying to which he passes the note before sending it off.

????: I know just the wand for you but alas, it must be specially made. A unique wand, it'll take some time but shall be ready for you upon arrival to...

He pauses.

????: Hogwarts, yes?

Me: Yes and thank you.

????: We live to please...

After paying him in advance, we step outside to find the others still waiting around for us.

Dumbledore: How was the experience?

Me: Destructive but promising.

There's a look of understanding that passes amongst all present that tells me they've all had similar experiences when visiting that shop and yet it seems to be an unspoken rule not to talk about it as no one asks for details or even asks to see the wand. Instead, they merely move on to the next destination.

It takes some doing but eventually we manage to get all the books, materials, cauldrons, etc. that we'll need. As we get ready to leave, however, they ask if we'd like to get a pet as well. Looking at Valentina, I gesture for her to get one if she wants but she too refrains from doing so, instead stating that she's satisfied. As such, given I only take pets caught by my own two hands, we leave without getting one even after the others try their hardest to convince us otherwise. I mean, I already have Valentina and the fairies. What more could I possibly want? 

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