Important to Note

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This story, while based in the Wizarding World seen in the Harry Potter stories and Fantastic Beasts, will likely not follow the rules established in that world in their entirety. The reason for this is simple. While I too am a "Harry Potter fan" I am nowhere remotely invested enough in the story to be able to accurately reproduce every detail. You have been warned. That said, I will at the very least try.

With that out of the way, it should be noted that there are a couple of changes to the original story that are of significant note. The first of which will obviously be the introduction of characters that don't exist canonically. The second, and perhaps more brazen of the overall changes is that there will be changes to existing characters within the original story to facilitate my own purposes within this book. This means that you shouldn't be surprised if, for example, a professor/student's behaviour doesn't match that of the original character. Lastly, the magic system is far too broad for me to fully incorporate it without making a ton of mistakes as no matter how much I search there is no definitive work showcasing the magical system in its entirety. As such, I'll likely add things of my own and such but I'll still make an effort to use the existing system to the best of my abilities.

Now, in regards to Hogwarts, there are a couple of things to note.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
Deputy Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall
Astronomy: Aurora Sinistra
Charms: Filius Flitwick
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Patricia Rakepick (Start of Story)
Flying: Rolanda Hooch
Herbology: Pomona Sprout
Potions: Severus Snape
Transfiguration: Minerva McGonagall
Divination: Sybill Trelawney

Gryffindor House Head: Minerva McGonagall
Ravenclaw House Head: Filius Flitwick
Hufflepuff House Head: Pomona Sprout
Slytherin House Head: Severus Snape

There are other staff as well but these are the primary ones at the beginning of the story. As for the rest of the wizarding world, there are some changes. The entire thing with Voldermort's initial appearance and defeat happened as it did in the original timeline. However, the events following the end of the war are where things begin diverging from that of the original story ever so slightly. For starters, the Ministry is even laxer than the one seen in the books/movies. There are also some changes within the ministry itself and other major characters outside of Hogwarts that will be seen throughout the story. Lastly, while Harry Potter does exist in this world the story takes place somewhat before he would be old enough to arrive at Hogwarts (as seen by Patricia being the DADA teacher). In addition to this, while this would mean that certain characters should be present in the story (more specifically the school as students) due to its timeline, they may be absent simply because I forgot to add them/aren't aware that they should be present (such as the older set of Weasley family members). 

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