Characters of Note

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Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
Deputy Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall
Astronomy: Aurora Sinistra
Charms: Filius Flitwick
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Patricia Rakepick (Start of Story)
Flying: Rolanda Hooch
Herbology: Pomona Sprout
Potions: Severus Snape
Transfiguration: Minerva McGonagall
Divination: Sybill Trelawney

Matron: Madam Poppy Pomfrey
Librarian: Madam Irma Pince
Gamekeeper: Rubeus Hagrid
Caretaker: Mr Argus Filch

Gryffindor House Head: Minerva McGonagall
Ravenclaw House Head: Filius Flitwick
Hufflepuff House Head: Pomona Sprout
Slytherin House Head: Severus Snape

1st years: Beatrice Haywood, Lucian Bole, Peregrine Derrick, Elora Dunn, Linderina Crane, Alice Marija, Mabel Flitwick, Kaleb Kor

2nd Years: Percy Wesley, Oliver Wood, Penelope Clearwater, Marcus Flint, Matilda Walters

3rd Years: Eliza Price, Taylor Wood, Gemma Farley, Robert Hilliard, Gabriel Truman

4th Years: Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper, Jae Bo Kim, Penny Haywood, Nymphadora Tonks, Diego Caplan, Chiara Lobosca (werewolf), Andre Egwu, Tulip Karasu, Badeea Ali, Merula Snyde, Ismelda Murk, Liz Tuttle, Barnaby Lee, Emilia Snyde

5th Years: Charlie Weasley (Prefect and Seeker - Gryffindor), Skye Parkin (Chaser - Gryffindor), Orion Amari (Chaser - Gryffindor)

6th Years: Pippa Macmillan, Kirley Duke McCormack (Hufflepuff), Donaghan Tremlett (Hufflepuff), Erika Rath (Beater - Slytherin)

7th Years: Bill Weasley (Head Boy), Brennan Doyle, Emily Tyler

Ministry of Magic

Minister: Millicent Bagnold
Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Officer: Arthur Weasley
Aurors: Rufus Scrimgeour, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Department of Mysteries: Broderick Bode
Department of Magical Games and Sports: Bertha Jorkins
Department of Magical Transportation: Wilkie Twycross (Apparition)
Department of Magical Law Enforcement: Bartemius Crouch Senior, Amelia Susan Bones
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures: Gethsemane Prickle, Cecil Lee, Amos Diggory
Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes: Cornelius Fudge

Additional Notes

This list was made for my own usage and was initially not planned for publishing alongside the rest of the story but after some thought, here we are. 

Note that the list is incomplete and as such will be updated as more and more characters from this time period are discovered/created for the story by me. That said, if you know of any major characters that would be attending Hogwarts during the 1988 - 1989 school year feel free to comment here with their names and year as well as what house they are in. 

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